
Fastify plugin for HMAC signatures

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Fastify plugin for HMAC signature validation.

How it works

Verifies that http messages are signed according to IETF draft standards.


npm i @autotelic/fastify-hmac


Registering the plugin will decorate the fastify request instance with a validateHMAC method, and add a pre-validation hook to verify the HMAC signature of requests.

const hmac = require('@autotelic/fastify-hmac')

async function app (fastify, options) {
  fastify.register(hmac, {
    sharedSecret: 'topSecret',
    algorithmMap: {
      hs2019: {
        'my-key-a': 'sha512',
        'my-key-b': 'sha256'

  const hmacLogger = (error) => {
    if (error) {
    } else {
      fastify.log.info('HMAC Validated.')

  fastify.get('/foo', async (request, reply) => {
    reply.send({ foo: 'bar' })

module.exports = app


PluginOpts : Object

Name Type Description
sharedSecret string Secret used by client to generate signatures. (required)
algorithmMap { [algorithm]: { [keyId]: string } } Maps the Signature header algorithm and keyId properties to a specific algorithm. (required, unless providing getAlgorithm)
verificationError (string) => Error Receives the original error message and returns a new error. By default, all errors returned are generic Unauthenticated http errors. This is to prevent sending sensitive error data to the client. (optional)
digestEncoding string Defaults to 'base64'. (optional)
getDigest (FastifyRequest, PluginOpts) => string Calculates and verifies a message Digest header to be used as input to the HMAC signature. (optional)
extractSignature (FastifyRequest, PluginOpts) => string Extracts properties from the Signature Header constructed according to IETF draft standards. (optional)
constructSignatureString (FastifyRequest, PluginOpts) => string Constructs a signature digest string from the key material detailed in the Signature header according to IETF draft standards. (optional)
getAlgorithm (FastifyRequest, PluginOpts) => string Returns an HMAC algorithm. By default this will use the keyId and algorithm values from the Signature header, to pull the appropriate value from the algorithmMap. (optional)
getSignatureEncoding (FastifyRequest, PluginOpts) => string Returns the encoding to be used during HMAC signature construction. (optional - defaults to () => 'base64')
validateRequests boolean If true will add a preValidation hook to validate HMAC signatures. (optional - defaults to true)

validateHMAC: Function

Name Type Description
callback (Error?) => any Called with no args when HMAC validation is successful, and called with the error on failure. (optional)

If no callback is provided the validateHMAC request decorator will return true if HMAC validation is successful, and will return an Error if HMAC validation fails (the Error wil be returned, not thrown).


npm run example:basic
npm run example:shopify
