
Tools for GraphQL schemas.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GraphQL Schema Tools


npm i @autotelic/graphql-schema-tools



normalizeGQLSource: (source: string, options?: object) => object

When passed a string GQL source, normalizeGQLSource groups top-level declarations by kind and then alphabetizes them along with their fields, directives, arguments, values, types, interfaces, and locations - all by name.

Accepts an optional options object containing the following properties:

  • minify: boolean - If true, the returned source will have all redundant whitespace stripped out. Defaults to false.

Returns an object with the following properties:

  • source: string- The normalized GQL source.
  • error: GraphQLError | undefined - If an error occurs, it will be added here.
const { normalizeGQLSource } = require('@autotelic/graphql-schema-tools')

const schema = `
  type Query {
    products(priceUnder: Float priceOver: Float category: String): [Products]! @paginate @cacheControl(maxAge: 2000 scope: PUBLIC)
    customer(id: ID): Customer

 type Product {
    name: String!
    price: Float!
    category: String!
    id: ID!

  type Customer @cacheControl(scope: PRIVATE maxAge: 1000) {
    name: String!
    address: String!
    id: ID!

  directive @paginate on FIELD_DEFINITION
  directive @cacheControl(scope: CacheScope maxAge: Int) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION

  enum CacheScope {

const { source, error } = normalizeGQLSource(schema)

Given the above schema, the returned source would look like:

directive @cacheControl(maxAge: Int, scope: CacheScope) on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT

directive @paginate on FIELD_DEFINITION

enum CacheScope {

type Customer @cacheControl(maxAge: 1000, scope: PRIVATE) {
  address: String!
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type Product {
  category: String!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  price: Float!

type Query {
  customer(id: ID): Customer
  products(category: String, priceOver: Float, priceUnder: Float): [Products]! @cacheControl(maxAge: 2000, scope: PUBLIC) @paginate

minifyGQLSource: (source: string) => string

Returns the provided source with all redundant whitespace stripped out.

const { minifyGQLSource } = require('@autotelic/graphql-schema-tools')

const schema = `
  type Query {
    foo: String
    bar(foo: String, id: ID): String

const minified = minifyGQLSource(schema)
// The resulting minified schema will look like:
// 'type Query{foo:String bar(foo:String,id:ID):String}'

enhanceGQLSyntaxError: (error: GraphQLError) => GraphQLError

If the provided error contains source and locations properties, enhanceGQLSyntaxError will return the provided GraphQLError with a modified message - containing a condensed snippet showing where in the source the error occurred.

const { enhanceGQLSyntaxError } = require('@autotelic/graphql-schema-tools')

const schemaWithError = `
  type Foo {
    id: ID!
    bar: String


try {
} catch (error) {
  const enhancedError = enhanceGQLSyntaxError(error)
  // Logs: 'Syntax Error: Unexpected "}". Found near: `bar: String } }`.'

printSDL: (schema: GraphQLSchema, options: object) => DocumentNode

Returns an SDL string representation of the provided schema.

Accepts an optional options object containing the following properties:

  • minify: boolean - If true, the returned source will have all redundant whitespace stripped out. Defaults to false.
  • filterTypes: string[] | (GraphQLNamedType) => boolean - Accepts an array of type names that will be filtered out of the returned AST. Alternatively a custom filter function can be passed in.
  • filterDirectives: string[] | (GraphQLDirective) => boolean - Accepts an array of directive names that will be filtered out of the returned AST. Alternatively a custom filter function can be passed in.
const { printSDL } = require('@autotelic/graphql-schema-tools')
const federatedSchema = require('./schema')

const SDL = printSDL(federatedSchema, {
  minify: true,
  filterDirectives: ['key', 'external', 'requires', 'provides', 'extends'],
  filterFields: {
    Query: ['_service', '_entities']
  filterTypes: ['_Any', '_FieldSet', '_Service']

astFromSchema: (schema: GraphQLSchema, options: object) => DocumentNode

Returns an AST representation of the provided schema.

Accepts an optional options object containing the following properties:

  • filterTypes: string[] | (TypeDefinitionNode) => boolean - Accepts an array of type names that will be filtered out of the returned AST. Alternatively a custom filter function can be passed in.
  • filterDirectives: string[] | (DirectiveDefinitionNode) => boolean - Accepts an array of directive names that will be filtered out of the returned AST. Alternatively a custom filter function can be passed in.
  • filterFields: { [string]: string[] } | (FieldDefinitionNode, TypeDefinitionNode) => boolean - Accepts an object with keys of type names and values of arrays of field names to filter out of the returned AST. Alternatively a custom filter function can be passed in - the function will receive the current field (FieldDefinitionNode) and the parent type (TypeDefinitionNode).
const { astFromSchema } = require('@autotelic/graphql-schema-tools')
const federatedSchema = require('./schema')

const document = astFromSchema(federatedSchema, {
  filterDirectives: ['key', 'external', 'requires', 'provides', 'extends'],
  filterFields: {
    Query: ['_service', '_entities']
  filterTypes: ['_Any', '_FieldSet', '_Service']