
A Fastify plugin for integrating PostGraphile schemas with Mercurius

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mercurius PostGraphile

A Fastify plugin for integrating PostGraphile schemas with Mercurius



npm i @autotelic/mercurius-postgraphile
const mercuriusPostGraphile = require('@autotelic/mercurius-postgraphile')
const { Pool } = require('pg')
const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL
const pgPool = new Pool({ connectionString })

module.exports = async function (fastify, options) {
  fastify.register(mercuriusPostGraphile, {



Name Status Type Default Description
connectionString Required String - A postgreSQL database connection string, i.e. postgres://postgres:password@
pgPool Required Object - A client or pool instance that will be passed to the pg library and used to connect to a PostgreSQL backend.
instanceName Optional String public A string which specifies the PostgreSQL schema that PostGraphile will use to create a GraphQL schema.
localStitchOpts Optional Object {} An object containing local subschema config options.
postGraphileStitchOpts Optional Object {} An object containing PostGraphile subschema config options. stitchOpts for both the local and PostGraphile schemas implement the SubschemaConfig interface. Documention can be found here
postGraphileContextOpts Optional Object/Function {} An object or callback function containing withPostGraphileContext options, outlined here
postGraphileSchemaOpts Optional Object {} An object containing createPostGraphileSchema options, outlined here

Run the Example

Install Dependencies and Run a Local Postgres Container

npm i
docker-compose up -d

Run the server

npm run example

Make Requests to the Server

http :3000/graphql
http POST :3000/graphql

Explore Graphiql


The user query from PostGraphile and the localUser query from Mercurius are used to merge the User type. Check out the example to explore the stitch options implemented in merging the local and PostGraphile schemas.

query {
  user(id: 1) {
  localUser(id: 1) {
