
Flightdeck is an interactive diagram UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to observe and troubleshoot applications running in the cluster.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


IMPORTANT: This is not production-ready software. This project is in active development.


Flightdeck is a web-based interactive diagram UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to observe and troubleshoot applications running in the cluster.

Flightdeck UI


  • Search cluster resources
  • Resource dependencies graph
  • Pod logs, description, yaml
  • Container file browser
  • Login with service account token
  • Uses K8s RBAC

Getting Started

IMPORTANT: The default flightdeck deployment contains a minimal set of RBAC privileges needed to run. flightdeck acts as a proxy and only users with a valid bearer token can access the UI and see the Kubernetes resoures.


The basic installation creates the flightdeck namespace with all resources needed to run the application.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/autovia/flightdeck/main/deploy/flightdeck.latest.yaml


To access the flightdeck UI from your local workstation you must create a bearer token and a port-forward. Run the following commands:

kubectl -n flightdeck create token admin-user
kubectl -n flightdeck port-forward pod/<flightdeck-podname> 3000:3000

Note: The token expires after one hour. Use e.g. --duration=12h to change the expiration time to 12 hours.

Now open your browser localhost:3000 and copy the bearer token and paste it into the Bearer token field on the login screen.

Click the Sign in button and that's it. You are now logged in as an admin.

Clean up

Remove the admin-user ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding.

kubectl -n flightdeck delete serviceaccount admin-user
kubectl -n flightdeck delete clusterrolebinding admin-user

Delete the flightdeck namespace.

kubectl delete namespace flightdeck


Apache License 2.0

Copyright Autovia GmbH