use A..1) php artisan Copy:Files
2)Enter your source path Eg: C:\Users\utsab\Documents\js 3)Enter the destination path: C:\Users\utsab\Documents\dd
Your file will be copied . If the file already exist the it show failure message otherwise success 4)The details of your copied file will hooked into csv file in projects storage/ public storage folder. 5) while coping next files please close the opened csv file.
B..1) php artisan Copy:UrlFiles
2)Enter your source file url ath Eg: C:\Users\utsab\Documents\someurl.text 3)Enter the destination path: C:\Users\utsab\Documents\ds
Your file will be downloaded and copied . If the file already exist the it show failure message otherwise success 4)The details of your copied file will hooked into csv file in projects storage/ public storage folder. 5) while coping next files please close the opened csv file.