
Golang logging library supporting log retrieval.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ 本库是本人在入坑go一个星期的时候写出来的,代码质量有点差,谨慎使用!,后面有空将会重构。


LogKer It's a log Library of Golang. It's easy to use.👨‍💻‍

📚中文说明 | 🤩Document | 👨‍💻‍ Release

Video link


  • Support file backup.
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Support file storage log.
  • Support console color printing.
  • Custom log file storage location.
  • Support setting time and time zone.
  • Support log file size for split storage.
  • Error level output to specified file separately.
  • Four levels of debug info error warning are supported.
  • Future support: The remote computer stores the socket output🙏.
  • The project is constantly maintained and updated. I like 😍A kind of Please click star Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ!
  • Is this you?😜

Upgrade List

  • v1.1.5 Support for custom message formats.(SerialVersion) issues1
  • v1.1.8 Support coroutine to record logs,The code base is smaller and lighter(AsynchronousProcessingVersion).

Historical Documents

The Documents version is v1.1.8


🔝 The minimum requirement of Go version is 1.11. 🔝 Your project also uses go module!!!

go get github.com/higker/logker


go get -u github.com/higker/logker

command add -u flag to update in the future.

Use Example

1. File Logger

package main

import (
	klog "github.com/higker/logker"

func main() {
	// Specify file location! Create folder in advance!!
	dir := "/Users/ding/Documents/test_log"
	// New file logger
	// File Max size : You can also use built-in constants
	// klog.GB1  	= 1GB
	// klog.MB10  	= 10MB
 	// klog.MB100	= 100MB
	format := "{level} - DATE {time}  - POS {position} - MSG {message}" //This version was modified from v 1.1.5
	//Create Log Buffer
    	task := InitAsync(Qs1w)
   	flog,e := klog.NewFlog(klog.DEBUG, true, klog.Shanghai, dir, "log", 10*1024, 0777,format,task)
    	if e != nil{
       	    .... //Custom Operation
	// Analog output log
	for {
		flog.Debug("DEBUG : %d + %d = %d",1,2,1+2)
		flog.Warning("WARNING %p",flog)
		flog.Info("INFO %s","Hello LogKer.")
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

👆Parameter note List:

// Build File logger
// Args note
// logLevel:    lev,       \\ logging level
// wheError:    wheErr,    \\ whether enable  error alone file
// directory:   dir,	   \\ logging file save directory
// fileName:    fileName,  \\ logging save file name
// timeZone:    zone,	   \\ load time zone format
// power:       power,     \\ file system power
// fileMaxSize: size,      \\ logging alone file max size
// task := InitAsync(Qs1w) \\ createsABufferForCoroutineLogProcessing
// format :
	// Now upgrade to version v 1.1.5 to customize the message output format ~
	// TheCustomTagNameMustBe {level} {time} {position} {message}
	// The location of the custom label is the location
	// where the program outputs the corresponding log message at run time!!!!
	// forExampleHereIsMyCustom
	// 1. //format := "{level} - {time} - {position} - {message}"

2. Console Logger

package main

import (

//type Formatting string

// logKer library Test
func main() {
	// Now upgrade to version v 1.1.5 to customize the message output format ~
	// TheCustomTagNameMustBe {level} {time} {position} {message}
	// The location of the custom label is the location
	// where the program outputs the corresponding log message at run time!!!!
	// forExampleHereIsMyCustom
	// 1. //format := "{level} - {time} - {position} - {message}"
	format := "{level} - 时间 {time}  - 位置 {position} - 消息 {message}" //This version was modified from v 1.1.5
    	//Create Log Buffer
    	task := InitAsync(Qs1w)
	log,e := logker.NewClog(logker.DEBUG, logker.Shanghai, format,task)
    	if e != nil{
        	..... //Custom Operation
	log.Debug("DEBUG %s","自定义日志消息匹配符测试")
	log.Info("%v", log)
	log.Warning("%v", logker.Shanghai)


[ DEBUG ] - 时间 2020-04-20 11:57:23.8927  - 位置 main.go|main.main:23 - 消息 DEBUG 自定义日志消息匹配符测试
[  INFO ] - 时间 2020-04-20 11:57:23.8928  - 位置 main.go|main.main:24 - 消息 &{0 Asia/Shanghai 0xc00008e220 {level} - 时间 {t位置 {position} - 消息 {message}}
[WARNING] - 时间 2020-04-20 11:57:23.8928  - 位置 main.go|main.main:25 - 消息 Asia/Shanghai
[ ERROR ] - 时间 2020-04-20 11:57:23.8929  - 位置 main.go|main.main:26 - 消息 ERROR

3. Effect:

The screenshot is not updated ~ The current screenshot is v1.0.9 version, you can install the library yourself to see the effect. LogKerGolang


Thank list🤝



This project open source is MIT License . See the LICENSE file content.