Under heavy development now: Real time Celery monitoring with ASGI 3.0 +
- 1
Move from tornado to FastAPI /Starlette
#26 opened by auvipy - 3
Any plan for this project?
#29 opened by MerleLiuKun - 4
Python 3 support?
#28 opened by scythargon - 0
Contribution Doc
#30 opened by rishsanyal - 0
- 12
- 3
y-axis unis are cut if higher 999
#21 opened by Henner - 0
time in chart is always utc
#20 opened by Henner - 0
- 2
Install using "pip" misses the "static" directory
#17 opened by dalbani - 6
celerymon command line error
#15 opened by bkuberek - 1
- 1
typo in causes warning
#3 opened by JannKleen - 4
install fails on lockfile>=0.9 not found
#5 opened by DataMarket - 1
issue 500: Internal Server Error
#7 opened by proft - 1
- 1
- 2
celerymon is no longer in PyPi
#4 opened by sfllaw - 1
templates missing from
#9 opened by tback - 1
List all tasks fails with 500 error
#6 opened by lukaszb - 3
celerymon fails to start due to missing attribute CELERYMON_PID_FILE attribute on celery.conf
#1 opened by boardman