Some simple scripts showing how to extract the latest exchange rates from the bank of Norway using Requests and Beautifulsoup4.
How to use it:
This will output a list of currencies accompanied with their respective exchange rate in NOK.
It will look like this (16.01.2020):
AUD : 6.1469
BGN : 506.48
BRL : 2.1294
CAD : 6.8039
CHF : 922.41
CNY : 128.92
CZK : 39.356
DKK : 132.56
EUR : 9.9058
GBP : 11.5898
HKD : 1.1411
HRK : 133.11
HUF : 2.9672
I44 : 108.73
IDR : 0.06507
ILS : 2.5679
INR : 12.504
JPY : 8.0666
KRW : 0.7656
MXN : 47.19
MYR : 2.183
NZD : 5.9072
PHP : 17.447
PKR : 5.733
PLN : 2.3405
RON : 207.28
RUB : 14.396
SEK : 93.74
SGD : 6.5929
THB : 29.208
TRY : 151.55
TWD : 29.662
TWI : 118.06
USD : 8.869
XDR : 12.30604
ZAR : 0.6144
BYN : 4.1728
BDT : 10.46
MMK : 0.6033
ISK : 7.23