Systems testing plugin for Nagios with Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize + Net::SSH
- 0
cucumber >1.1.2 API compatibility
#90 opened by fpeterschmitt - 0
Unable to run cucumber-nagios on CentOS 6.7
#95 opened by GitHubUserToo - 0
Cucumber-Nagios wrong return
#94 opened by Nicolas4 - 0
Wrong number of argument. ?
#92 opened by budgester - 5
- 5
Abandon Ruby 1.8.7: When?
#66 opened by hedgehog - 0
Gem install fails on Ruby 1.8.7
#91 opened by rickard-von-essen - 3
- 12
Error while executing features.
#86 opened by varunwy - 3
Create a permanant fork of ssh-forever
#75 opened by josephholsten - 1
- 1
Distribute cucumber-nagios command as part of gem
#36 opened by auxesis - 0
- 0
No way to test for correct 404 page
#80 opened by choffee - 3
Submitting forms doesn't work
#74 opened by clofresh - 1
cucumber-nagios does not find definitions
#79 opened by Finkregh - 1
cucumber-nagios don't find steps defenintions when run with absolute path to features dir
#77 opened by melezhik - 1
- 0
UTF-8 regexp with ASCII-8BIT string bug
#76 opened by melezhik - 0
Step missing @connection
#73 opened by Atalanta - 1
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Abreviate project/module name/namespace
#54 opened by hedgehog - 0
Crash on failing scenario outline
#69 opened by bjoernalbers - 1
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Extracting Nagios part of this library to make it useful for development mode
#39 opened by jeroenvandijk - 1
Use Aruba API in using_steps.rb
#65 opened by hedgehog - 1
Use Aruba API in installing_steps.rb
#64 opened by hedgehog - 1
Use Aruba API in creating_steps.rb
#63 opened by hedgehog - 1
Use Aruba to describe File and folder steps
#60 opened by hedgehog - 2
refactor octal_mode(mode) into File API
#59 opened by hedgehog - 1
Use Aruba for command steps
#57 opened by hedgehog - 1
Use Aruba to describe SSH steps
#55 opened by hedgehog - 1
Feature: Cuken::Helper module
#53 opened by hedgehog - 1
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Switch to use Aruba (CLI), Capybara (web) and Thor (generator) gems in Generated Gemfile
#51 opened by hedgehog - 1
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- 0
Make cucumber-nagios --help invoke man page
#40 opened by auxesis - 2
Default feature doesn't work
#38 opened by bitfield - 1
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Tag scenarios in internal test suite
#26 opened by auxesis - 1
- 1
Inconsistent version set across gem + project
#37 opened by auxesis - 1
- 0
- 1
http_header steps are not consistently quoted
#31 opened by auxesis - 1
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Improve install documentation for Windows
#25 opened by auxesis - 1
Switch to bundler from bundler08
#27 opened by auxesis - 1
Switch to jeweler
#28 opened by auxesis