
Conway's game of life on CUDA

Primary LanguageCuda


This is an implementation of Conway's game of life on CUDA.

Compiling: nvcc -o cgol cgol.cu

Running arguments: ./cgol [s NUMBER] [i NUMBER] [t NUMBER] [b NUMBER] [e NUMBER] [p 0|1] [u] [a]

  • s: Board size (Width, Default is 32)
  • i: Number of iterations (Default is 30)
  • t: Number of threads (Default is equal to board width)
  • b: Number of blocks (Default is equal to board width)
  • a: Animate (Default is false)
  • e: Random seed (Default is NULL; different everytime)
  • p: Print board (Default is true)
  • u: Run unoptimized version using global memory

For example, to run a game with a 16x16 board for 20 iterations with animations, run

./cgol s 16 i 20 a

Here's a sample output of what the last iteration of a random board looks like.

This code was proudly tested using http://www.cuug.ab.ca/dewara/life/life.html