
wrappers and high-level programming constructs in c++

Primary LanguageC++


wrappers and high-level programming constructs in c++

This library depends on boost, gmp, crypto++, libbitcoin, and on Bartosz Milewski's implementation of Okasaki https://github.com/BartoszMilewski/Okasaki

data structures

  • definitions of functional lists, queues, and maps.
  • implementations based on Okasaki.
    • linked_list
    • functional_queue
    • rb_map


  • definitions of mathematical concepts such as complex numbers, rings, and modules and so on.
  • wrappers for gmp.


  • wrapper for bitcoin keys.


  • for_each applies a function to the elements of data structure and returns a new data structure congruent to the first.
  • fold and reduce
  • simple metaprogramming constructs.