
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tools and scripts to experiment with Bitcoin style OP_RETURN protocols as described here:


Also see related Metanet OP_RETURN experiments:




  • BitcoinSV node (v0.2.1 or later)
    • If a local BitcoinSV node is not available, transaction data can be retrieved from an online blockchain explorer.
  • Python 3

Dependencies to install:

pip3 install python-bitcoinrpc



The purpose of peek.py is to help developers decode Bitcom style OP_RETURN protocols.

Currently supported protocols include:

  • B://
  • D://
  • Author Identity
  • Hash Author Identity
  • MAP

The pipeline operator '|' is also supported so protocols made up of subprotocols can be decoded, such as the TonicPOW protocol: B | MAP.

To run peek.py without using a local Bitcoin node, pass the option -w main to retrieve mainnet transaction data from the online explorer whatsonchain.com.

$ python3 peek.py -w main a610a733223f2ab9e0a67b22b519ce4adbd439e1ceb26a5d41873dd64fa5b1b7

Tx output index: 0
Number of elements: 24
Protocol: B://
Prefix: 19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut
Data: 10813 bytes
Media type: image/png
Encoding: binary
Filename: satchmo_was_here.png
| (pipe)
Protocol: Magic Attribute
Prefix: 1PuQa7K62MiKCtssSLKy1kh56WWU7MtUR5
Action: SET
app: tonicpow
type: campaign_request
site_pub_key: 1PuQa7K62MiKCtssSLKy1kh56WWU7MtUR5
ad_unit_id: ad-unit-id
affiliate_pub_key: 00
num_blocks: 1
ad_type: display
cta_url: https://faucet.allaboard.cash

When running a local Bitcoin node, use command line options user, password, mainnet to override default configuration settings in the script.

usage: peek.py [-h] [-w {main,test,stn}] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-m] txid

Show OP_RETURN data for Bitcom style protocols: AIP, B, D, MAP, |

positional arguments:
  txid                  txid of transaction

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w {main,test,stn}, --whatsonchain {main,test,stn}
                        Get transaction data from whatsonchain.com
  -u USER, --user USER  rpcuser
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
  -m, --mainnet         use mainnet (default is testnet)