TOC Project - FakeZoo


Known Vulnerabilities

A Line bot based on a finite state machine

More details in the Slides and FAQ



  • Python 3.8
  • Pipenv
  • Line App
  • HTTPS Server
  • Redis

Install Dependency

pip3 install pipenv

pipenv --three

pipenv install

pipenv shell

Secret Data

You should generate a .env file to set Environment Variables refer to our .env.sample.
LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET and LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN MUST be set to proper values. Otherwise, you might not be able to run your code.
You should also set your REDIS_TLS_URL for the use of REDIS. (A sample method is mentioned behind)

Run Locally

You can either setup https server or using ngrok as a proxy.

Ngrok installation

or you can use Homebrew (MAC)

brew cask install ngrok

ngrok would be used in the following instruction

ngrok http 8000

After that, ngrok would generate a https URL.

Run the sever


Finite State Machine


The initial state is set to welcome.

Every time welecome state is triggered to advance to another state, it can back to welcome state as long as the input is help or e.

Each input is not case sensitive, it also allow blank after the input string.

I also use Redis in Heroku to record the state for each user.


Bot QRcode


Once you add as friend, you will see the welcome message: welcome

And below is an example rule picture


Setting to deploy webhooks on Heroku.

Heroku CLI installation

or you can use Homebrew (MAC)

brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

or you can use Snap (Ubuntu 16+)

curl | sh

Connect to Heroku

  1. Register Heroku:

  2. Create Heroku project from website

  3. CLI Login

    heroku login

Upload project to Heroku

  1. Add local project to Heroku project (or you can build it)

    heroku git:remote -a {HEROKU_APP_NAME}

  2. Set buildpack in Heroku (for pygraphviz usage)

    heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
    heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku-community/apt
    heroku buildpacks:add
    heroku buildpacks
  3. Heroku Redis Add-ons (optional)

    If you havn't deploy your redis, you can use Heroku addons.

    You should verified your Heroku account before you execute these command.

    heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev -a your-app-name

    if you want to run locally, use heroku config:get REDIS_TLS_URL -s >> .env to get the URL which will use in this process.

  4. Set Environment - Line Messaging API Secret Keys

    heroku config:set LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=your_line_channel_secret
    heroku config:set LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_line_channel_access_token
  5. Upload project

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add code"
    git push heroku master
  6. Your Project is now running on Heroku!

    url: {HEROKU_APP_NAME}

    debug command: heroku logs --tail --app {HEROKU_APP_NAME}


Pipenv @chihsuan

TOC-Project-2019 @winonecheng

Flask Architecture @Sirius207

Line line-bot-sdk-python

Heroku and pygraphviz

Heroku Redis Add-pns