
This project only adds a way to edit money.txt file. Main money.txt project is here


Environment variables shoud contain something like this:

BOT_TOKEN               <your_bot_token>
DROPBOX_APP_KEY         <your_dropbox_key>
DROPBOX_APP_SECRET      <your_dropbox_secret>
DATABASE_URL            jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
DATABASE_PASS           moneytxt
DATABASE_USER           moneytxt

To run this you need:

  • java8
  • to add database with some user (env: DATABASE_URL, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASS)
  • to create a telegram bot (env: BOT_TOKEN)
  • to create a dropbox app (env: DROPBOX_APP_KEY, DROPBOX_APP_SECRET)
  • to create manually money.txt in dropbox app folder after connecting to dropbox (why?)