Provide the validation script/notebook.
ltkhang opened this issue · 4 comments
I am fond of your works and paper, but I can not find any validation script to validate your result, especially the highest result with efficientNetB2-8 classes-EffectNet.
Or could you please provide a separate script to pre-process the input images then we can validate the provided weights on your GitHub repository?
Thank you,
The validation is done inside the notebook You do not need to run all cells, just verify that PATh is equal to '../models/affectnet_emotions/', run cell to load the model and test it on the validation part of AffectNet. The preprocessing is implemented in the cell started with
In fact, the saved notebook contains the results for the best EfficientNet-B2 model. I hope you will get the same results.
I checked your notebook before asking but the output of your notebook here ( is kinda messy and I am not sure if I could find the result of EfficientNet-B2 there.
train_emotions.ipynb stands for initial preparation of the AffectNet dataset and training of TensorFlow models. You need to take a look at train_emotions-pytorch.ipynb. You could easily find the number 63.025 in the output of one cell there
I saw it, thank you.