
Effortlessly run LLM backends, APIs, frontends, and services with one command.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Harbor project logo

Effortlessly run LLM backends, APIs, frontends, and services with one command.

Harbor is a containerized LLM toolkit that allows you to run LLMs and additional services via a concise CLI.

Blitz Tour

Diagram outlining Harbor's service structure

# Run Harbor with additional services
# Running SearXNG automatically enables Web RAG in Open WebUI
harbor up searxng

# Run additional/alternative LLM Inference backends
# Open Webui is automatically connected to them.
harbor up llamacpp tgi litellm vllm tabbyapi aphrodite

# Run different Frontends
harbor up librechat bionicgpt hollama

# Use custom models for supported backends
harbor llamacpp model https://huggingface.co/user/repo/model.gguf

# Shortcut to HF Hub to find the models
harbor hf find gguf gemma-2
# Use HFDownloader and official HF CLI to download models
harbor hf dl -m google/gemma-2-2b-it -c 10 -s ./hf
harbor hf download google/gemma-2-2b-it

# Where possible, cache is shared between the services
harbor tgi model google/gemma-2-2b-it
harbor vllm model google/gemma-2-2b-it
harbor aphrodite model google/gemma-2-2b-it
harbor tabbyapi model google/gemma-2-2b-it-exl2
harbor mistralrs model google/gemma-2-2b-it
harbor opint model google/gemma-2-2b-it

# Convenience tools for docker setup
harbor logs llamacpp
harbor exec llamacpp ./scripts/llama-bench --help
harbor shell vllm

# Tell your shell exactly what you think about it
# courtesy of Open Interpreter
harbor opint

# Use fabric to LLM-ify your linux pipes
cat ./file.md | harbor fabric --pattern extract_extraordinary_claims | grep "LK99"

# Access service CLIs without installing them
harbor hf scan-cache
harbor ollama list

# Open services from the CLI
harbor open webui
harbor open llamacpp
# Print yourself a QR to quickly open the
# service on your phone
harbor qr
# Feeling adventurous? Expose your harbor
# to the internet
harbor tunnel

# Config management
harbor config list
harbor config set webui.host.port 8080

# Eject from Harbor into a standalone Docker Compose setup
# Will export related services and variables into a standalone file.
harbor eject searxng llamacpp > docker-compose.harbor.yml

# Gimmick/Fun Area

# Argument scrambling, below commands are all the same as above
# Harbor doesn't care if it's "vllm model" or "model vllm", it'll
# figure it out.
harbor vllm model            # harbor model vllm
harbor config get webui.name # harbor get config webui_name
harbor tabbyapi shell        # harbor shell tabbyapi

# 50% gimmick, 50% useful
# Ask harbor about itself
harbor how to ping ollama container from the webui?



Unsafe install

  • Runs the install script directly from the internet (make sure you trust the source)
  • Will clone the Harbor repository to your home directory
  • Will write to your shell profile to add bin folder to the path
curl https://av.codes/get-harbor.sh | bash

Manual install

Same as above, just done by you.

git clone https://github.com/av/harbor.git && cd harbor

# [Optional] make Harbor CLI available globally
# Creates a symlink in User's local bin directory
# Adds the bin folder to the path
./harbor.sh ln

# Start default services
# Initial download of the docker images might take a while
# If you have container toolkit installed, GPU will
# be automatically used for supported services.
harbor up

# [Optional] open Webui in the browser
harbor open


First open will require you to create a local admin account. Harbor keeps auth requirement by default because it also supports exposing your local stack to the internet.


  • Harbor CLI Reference
    Read more about Harbor CLI commands and options.
  • Harbor Services
    Read about supported services and the ways to configure them.
  • Harbor Compose Setup
    Read about the way Harbor uses Docker Compose to manage services.
  • Compatibility
    Known compatibility issues between the services and models as well as possible workarounds.



Open WebUI ⦁︎ LibreChat ⦁︎ HuggingFace ChatUI ⦁︎ Hollama ⦁︎ parllama, BionicGPT


Ollama ⦁︎ llama.cpp ⦁︎ vLLM ⦁︎ TabbyAPI ⦁︎ Aphrodite Engine ⦁︎ mistral.rs ⦁︎ openedai-speech ⦁︎ Parler ⦁︎ text-generation-inference ⦁︎ LMDeploy ⦁︎ AirLLM


SearXNG ⦁︎ Dify ⦁︎ Plandex ⦁︎ LiteLLM ⦁︎ LangFuse ⦁︎ Open Interpreter ⦁︎ cloudflared ⦁︎ cmdh ⦁︎ fabric ⦁︎ txtai RAG ⦁︎ TextGrad ⦁︎ Aider


  • Convenience factor
  • Workflow/setup centralisation

If you're comfortable with Docker and Linux administration - you likely don't need Harbor per se to manage your local LLM environment. However, you're also likely to eventually arrive to a similar solution. I know this for a fact, since I was rocking pretty much similar setup, just without all the whistles and bells.

Harbor is not designed as a deployment solution, but rather as a helper for the local LLM development environment. It's a good starting point for experimenting with LLMs and related services.

You can later eject from Harbor and use the services in your own setup, or continue using Harbor as a base for your own configuration.

Overview and Features

This project consists of a fairly large shell CLI, fairly small .env file and enourmous (for one repo) amount of docker-compose files.


  • Manage local LLM stack with a concise CLI
  • Convenience utilities for common tasks (model management, configuration, service debug, URLs, tunnels, etc.)
  • Access service CLIs (hf, ollama, etc.) via Docker without install
  • Services are pre-configured to work together (contributions welcome)
  • Host cache is shared and reused ⦁︎ Hugging Face, ollama, etc.
  • Co-located service configs
  • Eject to run without harbor with harbor eject