
Allows you to view all public/private repositories and gists associated with a Github account.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Github & Gist extension

Browser extension to quickly access these Github deposits as well as these giets. Possibility of adding a token to access private elements (non-public)

Screenshot 📸

Screenshot of the extension

Get started 🎉

First, clone this project :

git clone https://github.com/av1m/github-gist-extension

Then, go to :
→ Chrome → In url, type chrome://urls

→ Activate Developer Mode

→ Click on Load unpacked

→ Choose the directory
→ Click on the extension icon


Repository available on Github :octocat:

License 📝

This project is under MIT license, you can consult the license here

Authors 👨‍💻