
Liquid Application Framework - Messaging base classes and supported cartridges

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

DEPRECATED No Maintenance Intended

This repo is no longer supported and will not receive any updates nor bug fixes, This code has been moved to the main Liquid repository and will be maintained there.

Liquid Application Framework - Messaging

This repository is part of the Liquid Application Framework, a modern Dotnet Core Application Framework for building cloud native microservices.

The main repository contains the examples and documentation on how to use Liquid.

Liquid Messaging

This package contains the messaging subsystem of Liquid, for interacting with assynchronous services. It also features several implementations. In order to use it, add the main package (Liquid.Messaging) to your project, along with the specific implementation that you will need.

Available Cartridges Badges
Liquid.Messaging.Aws Quality Gate Status
Liquid.Messaging.ServiceBus Quality Gate Status
Liquid.Messaging.Gcp Quality Gate Status
Liquid.Messaging.Kafka Quality Gate Status
Liquid.Messaging.RabbitMq Quality Gate Status

Getting Started

This is a sample usage with Azure Service Bus cartridge

To publish a message, you must:

Register a producer in service provider

//the value of the parameter must be the name of the appsettings section where the configuration of your producer is defined.

Include dependency in domain class constructor, and invoke this send method

using Liquid.Messaging;
public class MySampleProducer 
    //Dependency must be a ILiquidProducer implementation 
    private ILiquidProducer<MySampleMessage> _producer;

    public MySampleProducer(ILiquidProducer<MySampleMessage> producer)
        _producer = producer;
    public async Task Handle()
        // Create a instance of message object defined as the type of the producer
        var message = new MySampleMessage();

         // Just invoke the Send method
        await _producer.SendMessageAsync(message, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "headerTest", "value" } });


To consume messages, implement LiquidWorker:

 public class Worker : ILiquidWorker<SampleMessageEntity>
        private readonly IMediator _mediator;

        public Worker(IMediator mediator)
            _mediator = mediator;
        //the ProcessMessageAsync method is invoked when a message arrives
        public async Task ProcessMessageAsync(ProcessMessageEventArgs<SampleMessageEntity> args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
             // Do what you need with the message, usually translate to a command and send it to the Mediator Service
            await _mediator.Send(new PutCommandRequest(args.Data));

The dependency injection method register the LiquidBackgroundService{TMessage}, that is the Liquid implementation of IHostedService and work as the host of Consumer.

//the value of the first parameter must be the name of the appsettings section where the configuration of your consumer
//is defined, and second parameter is an array of assemblies where domain handlers are defined.
services.AddLiquidServiceBusConsumer<Worker, SampleMessageEntity>("Liquid:Messaging:ServiceBus:SampleConsumer", typeof(PutCommandRequest).Assembly);

Configurations sample:

 "liquid": {
    "messaging": {
      "serviceBus": {
        "sampleProducer": {
          "ConnectionString": "",
          "EntityPath": "sampleentity"
        "sampleConsumer": {
          "ConnectionString": "",
          "EntityPath": "samplemessage"