
Dataset and Supplementary of "BlackLivesMatter 2020: An Analysis of Deleted and Suspended Users in Twitter"

BlackLivesMatter 2020: An Analysis of Deleted and Suspended Users in Twitter

This repository contains the utilized components and results from the WebSci '22 paper BlackLivesMatter 2020: An Analysis of Deleted and Suspended Users in Twitter. This study mainly focuses on the user behaviors in Twitter after the emergence of the 2020 BLM Movement.


The dataset used in this study is composed of two main parts: Users that involving BLM movement blm_user_and_tweet_ids.7z and control group users control_user_and_tweet_ids.7z. Columns of the dataset are the same and defined as follows:

Column Name Description
Tweet ID Twitter ID number of the tweet
User ID Twitter ID number of the user
Old/New Old: User account is created before 2020/05/25, New: User account is created after 2020/05/25
Label1 0: Active user, 50: Deleted User, 63: Suspended User

1 Status (labels) of users may change depending on the date you downloaded the dataset.

Supplementary Material

BLM related keywords, hashtags used in experiments, statistical significance tests and other substantial statistics of the dataset can be found in stat_test_and_other_details.7z and supplementary_material.pdf

If you make use of this repository, please cite the following paper:

author = {Toraman, Cagri and \c{S}ahinu\c{c}, Furkan and Yilmaz, Eyup Halit},
title = {BlackLivesMatter 2020: An Analysis of Deleted and Suspended Users in Twitter},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781450391917},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3501247.3531539},
doi = {10.1145/3501247.3531539},
booktitle = {14th ACM Web Science Conference 2022},
pages = {290–295},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {tweet, BlackLivesMatter, deleted user, suspended user},
location = {Barcelona, Spain},
series = {WebSci '22}