
Expansion of the DESeq2 Workspace including vizualizations

Primary LanguageRCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

About this workspace

The Github repository for this project can be found here.

This experiment uses Arabidopsis thaliana RNA-seq data. We are interested in how growing condition and plant type has changed counts of different genes.

What kind of visualizations are we using?

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) lets us look at variation in the dataset. Points that appear far apart on a PCA plot are very different compared to those closer together.

Principal components of the RNA-seq study by condition

Image 1: Principal component analysis showing the variation among samples in this RNA-seq study. Note how samples cluster together by condition, meaning that gene expression in samples with shared condition are more similar.

MA-plots compare the counts a given gene has to the difference in expression for the given gene. “Counts” usually refer to the mean number of times the gene was expressed among all samples. The “log fold change” describes the log-transformed difference between conditions or types.

MA Plot of the RNA-seq study

Image 2: Mean gene counts (expression) among individuals versus log fold change in expression. Each point represents a gene. Genes deemed significantly different between conditions are blue. Positive log-fold change genes have greater expression in the ABA treatment compared to the Mock condition.