YummyTumy - MLH Hackathon
Everybody loves eating food and want to try something new. But sometimes we don't know what it is and what are ingredients. See we wanted to built something exactly what it is and it's ingredients by looking at it.
What it does
It is a mobile application which takes a picture of food item and return nearby restaurants and tutorial on how to make it at home along with diet chart and nutrition effects.
How we built it
We used Clarifai api to get text from image and identify the food in image so that we can recommend restaurants. We are also using Google SQL Cloud to store the database of restaurants in new york city. We are using twilio to send the recipe to user who text our phone number with any food item.
Challenges we ran into
We ran in the challenge while integrating the database with out mobile application.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We were able to work as a team and complete all the challenges we ran into while working on this project. We were able to learn new APIs and use new technologies to come up with something interesting.
What we learned
We learned more about application and cloud database integration. We also learned to use some great APIs such as twilio and clarifai.
What's next for YummyTumy
It has a great scope of extent. We can recommend more with food and write blogs in our application with benefits of each food item. We can expand the app by reaching larger area and cover more restaurants. This app is almost of no cost and is really scalable which makes is very efficient. It is very easy to use and can have a lot more features to help more people.