- 0
Generate value classes when on valhalla
#281 opened by SentryMan - 0
Add something like `@JsonSerialize`
#279 opened by SentryMan - 4
A couple questions about features
#278 opened by andrewbaxter - 0
Allow package private members
#248 opened by SentryMan - 1
Add Adapter for java.time.Duration
#245 opened by rbygrave - 6
Some questions about the flexibility of the library
#216 opened by Auties00 - 3
Support inline objects with a single field
#210 opened by ekpdt - 1
Error message when using JsonB
#205 opened by wapgui - 0
- 4
- 1
- 28
- 0
Missing commas between array elements is allowed when parsing exception is expected
#138 opened by rob-bygrave - 8
Pretty printing produces invalid json
#132 opened by pwinckles - 4
- 2
- 1
Split Packages when using Json.Import
#117 opened by SentryMan - 1
JsonWriter flush doesn't flush?
#123 opened by lfdversluis - 0
Make registering custom JsonAdapters easier
#115 opened by SentryMan - 0
Import SubTypes
#112 opened by SentryMan - 26
can not work with immutables
#110 opened by lost22git - 0
Fix Subtypes with Same field names
#102 opened by SentryMan - 0
- 0
Map serialization error
#93 opened by SentryMan - 0
Creat Enum @Json.Value adapters at build time
#80 opened by SentryMan - 2
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "value" is null
#77 opened by kevin70 - 6
Possible regression: AssertionError in v1.3
#74 opened by ascopes - 6
- 0
v1.2 Given generic type like MyType<T>, the generated `fromJson()` source incorrectly uses `List<T>` when we need it to be `List<Object>`
#61 opened by rbygrave - 1
No longer compiles to Java 8 (Time to upgrade?)
#57 opened by SentryMan - 0
ENH: Add avaje inject Plugin support ... automagically provide default Jsonb instance
#51 opened by rbygrave - 0
ENH: Add system properties for jsonb.generatorBufferSize, jsonb.parserBufferSize and jsonb.parserCharBufferSize
#49 opened by rbygrave - 7
Generic generated wrong JSON adapter
#39 opened by kevin70 - 4
- 1
Review use of ThreadLocal based buffer recycling wrt Virtual Threads and modern JVM/GC.
#37 opened by rbygrave - 0
- 0
Fix for matching getters/setters for boolean/Boolean types with "is" prefix isActive -> setActive() & getActive()
#33 opened by rbygrave - 1
Non public field org.example.customer.IgnoreField middleName with no matching setter or constructor?
#32 opened by kevin70 - 4
`@Json(naming = Naming.LowerUnderscore)` not work
#27 opened by kevin70 - 0
Change toJson(T value, OutputStream outputStream) ... to close the stream when successful
#28 opened by rbygrave - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Stream support, processing as Stream<MyBean> etc
#23 opened by rbygrave - 0
Add Builder for JsonStream
#22 opened by rbygrave - 1
- 0
Add JsonWriter unwrap() ... for example, gives access to the underlying Jackson JsonGenerator
#21 opened by rbygrave - 0
Add builder for JacksonAdapter
#20 opened by rbygrave - 0
Add mapping for binary content as base64
#17 opened by rbygrave - 0