- 4
Stream never ends
#29 opened by ffMathy - 2
How to signal async completion in gulp 4.0?
#23 opened by liweiz - 4
Update gulp-util dependency
#27 opened by samueleishion - 1
errors printed many times
#26 opened by tomholub - 1
option to set reporter
#24 opened by lookforit - 1
Can not generate nyc report after test
#21 opened by chenzhutian - 1
- 3
Buffer limit reached
#19 opened by a-lucas - 2 stops working when all tests pass
#8 opened by Hurtak - 7
Set reporter programmatically
#17 opened by 0x1mason - 2
Support `nyc`
#13 opened by hemanth - 8
Error messages not output
#12 opened by vernak2539 - 2
- 8
ENOENT Error on npm3
#2 opened by e-jigsaw