
BEW 1.1 Gif Search Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Gif Search

Gif Site Demo


Gif Search displays gifs in a grid format using Tenor's API. This is the bootstrap branch that I did solo to get more experience with front end technologies. To see the group variant done with Megan O'Bryan please refer to the master branch. I used Bootstrap to build the front end of the website. Flask and Jinja were used to build the backend.


Bootstrap Branch

  • Audaris 'Audi' Blades

Master Branch

  • Megan O'Bryan and Audi Blades

Check out more of Megan's work on her GitHub

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Make sure python3.x is installed along with pip3 package manager

sudo apt-get install python3-pip3

Install flask and requests with pip3

pip3 install flask
pip3 install requests

Running the Server

  1. Open your terminal and clone the respository
git clone https://github.com/ablades/gif-search.git
  1. Verify that you are on the bootstrap branch
git checkout bootstrap
  1. Start the Web server
flask run

Flask will warn you that this is a development server. To view the website open a browser window to yourlocalhost

Built With

  • Flask - Lightweight web application framework
  • Jinja - Template engine for python
  • Bootstrap - Front end framework
  • Tenor API - Used Tenor's API for Gifs
