Actually, with Firefox V70.0 and greater, there is no easy way to import your password from existing password manager or other browser.
This repo contain some scripts to fill this gap, and especially to migrate from Chrome/Chromium passwords manager to Firefox Lockwise.
The minimum installed requirements to do the installation procedure:
- python3
- pip
- virtualenv
- Linux/OSX
- No 2FA on your Firefox Account (you need to disable it, you will be able to re-enable it later)
git clone https://github.com/avallete/lockwise-password-importer.git
cd lockwise-password-importer
# Create virtualenv to install scripts dependencies
virtualenv -p python3 venv && source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage: lockwise_password_importer.py [OPTIONS] PASSWORD_FILEPATH
Get a csvfile containing passwords informations and feed your Firefox
Lockwise account with it.
--email TEXT Firefox account email
--password TEXT Firefox account password
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: chrome_login_database_extractor.py [OPTIONS]
Search and extract passwords informations to .csv file from Chrome 'Login
Data' sqlite database
-o, --output_file FILENAME File where the extracted password will be
saved as .csv format
-i, --login-data-file FILENAME Path where the 'Login Data' Chrome sqlite
database can be found
If not provided, the
command will try to search it from default
Chrome/Chromium locations and stop for each
founded to ask if it must be use for
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: lastpass_extractor.py [OPTIONS]
Convert data from lastpass extraction file to lockwise_importer compatible
-o, --output_file FILENAME File where the extracted password will be
saved as .csv format
-i, --lastpass-export-file FILENAME
Path of the lastpass password extraction in
.csv format to convert. [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ python3 chrome_login_database_extractor.py -o ./outfile.csv
INFO: Login Data found on here: /home/user/.config/google-chrome/Default
Do you want to extract passwords from this file ?: [y/N]: y
INFO: Try to connect to /home/user/.config/google-chrome/Default/Login Data database
INFO: Connected successfully to database, 120 passwords found
INFO: Passwords saved into: /home/user/Documents/lockwise-password-importer/outfile.csv
$ python3 lockwise_password_importer.py ./outfile.csv
Email: useraccount@gmail.com
... # Some warnings may appear if you have some incompatibles passwords for Firefox (missing password, invalid hostname url...)
101 passwords will be loaded into firefox, do you confirm ? [y/N]: y
# Check your mail for new Firefox Sign In mail
Please click through the confirmation email or type 'resend' to resend the mail or 'c' to continue: c
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 101/101 [00:00<00:00, 1.01it/s]
INFO: Done !
# You must first extract your data in .csv format from Lastpass using 'export' feature from Lastpass.
$ python3 lastpass_extractor.py -o ./outfile.csv -i ~/myLastpassPasswords.csv
INFO: 3 passwords found
INFO: Passwords saved into: /home/user/Documents/lockwise-password-importer/outfile.csv
$ python3 lockwise_password_importer.py ./outfile.csv
Email: useraccount@gmail.com
... # Some warnings may appear if you have some incompatibles passwords for Firefox (missing password, invalid hostname url...)
3 passwords will be loaded into firefox, do you confirm ? [y/N]: y
# Check your mail for new Firefox Sign In mail
Please click through the confirmation email or type 'resend' to resend the mail or 'c' to continue: c
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 1.01it/s]
INFO: Done !
Please check you don't have 2FA activated on your Sync account.
Yes, your csvfile must just have a valid csv header file with the following columns:
With data matching the following schema:
Required('hostname'): Url(),
Required('formSubmitURL'): Any(str, ''),
Optional('usernameField'): str,
Optional('passwordField'): str,
Optional('username'): str,
Required('password'): All(str, Length(min=1)),
Because the default chrome password extraction to csv is lacking a lot of informations (like usernameFile, passwordField). Who prevent Firefox to properly autofill login pages forms. With my extraction methods, most of the login forms autofill correctly on Firefox after Chrome password importation.
You may need to manually run the synchronisation of your account to fetch the new passwords with 'Sync Now'.
- Thank's to this gist file who has been base of this script.
This project is onto MIT license see LICENSE file.