
Learn Python the Hard Way, 3rd Ed: Answers to exercises


Learn Python the Hard Way, 3rd Ed: Answers to exercises

Seattle Pyladies Eastside Meetup

Starting July 17th 6-8pm

We will go through Learn Python 3 the Hardway by Zed Shaw

You can access the online book now for free here: https://learnpythonthehardway.org/python3/

**It is currently still BETA and only available as an html book online - no ePub, mobi, etc. It is slated for release very soon sometime next month in July 2017. So if it is published on time, it should be available on Safari Books as well as print around the time of our next meetup) In the meantime, access the OLDER current edition of the book "Learn Python the Hardway, 3rd Ed" via Safari Books from Seattle Public Library at http://www.spl.org/library-collection/articles-and-research/computer-skills.