Final JavaScript Test

Welcome to the final JavaScript test!

In this test you are required to recreate the following application:

You'll be using the following external API: The Open Movie Database

Time Duration

This test lasts 2 hours.

Technical Requirements

  • Must fetch data from the OMDb API
  • Must include a <select> element with at least 3 <option>
  • Must display basic movie information (title, plot, poster)
  • Using a CSS framework is optional. Custom CSS is also allowed!

Getting started

  1. Fork this repository to your personal account
  2. Make a branch with your name, for example: js3-test-noerpaanakker
  3. Go to the website of the The Open Movie Database and create a free API Key
  4. Get started with coding!

Tips for success!

  1. Keep calm
  2. Read the task description carefully
  3. Divide the task in small, functional steps and then execute each step
  4. Study the API documentation to find what you need
  5. If you feel stuck move on to the next task
  6. You are allowed to use Google


  1. Commit your work locally
  2. Push it to your forked repository
  3. Make a pull request to the original repository (