E-commerce platform from scratch


E-commerce platform from scratch using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) with the following functionality:

  • Full featured shopping cart
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Top products carousel
  • Product pagination
  • Product search feature
  • User profile with orders
  • Admin product management
  • Admin user management
  • Admin Order details page
  • Mark orders as delivered option
  • Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
  • PayPal / credit card integration
  • Custom database seeder script -Zoom in pictures
  • search(Auto complete)
  • Sorting/Filtering in product -Notifications -Cookie policy -Subscribe to newslatter

The outcome:

The Stack:

Frontend for the app built with React.js. Backend built with Node.js and Express Database: MongoDB (Atlas), mongoose Packages: react router dom, Redux, JSONwebToken, bcryptjs UI: react bootstrap, react router bootstrap Dev: nodemon, concurrently

The version:


The online demo: