
Sticky is a Sublime Text 3 plugin to "stick" tabs

Primary LanguagePython


Sublime Text 3 plugin to "stick" tabs.

So, what is a "sticky" tab?
Sticky tabs don't close with normal keybinding ctrl+w.

You can stick/unstick tabs from Command Palette.
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You can know "stickiness" of a tab from status bar.
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  1. Install Package Control.
  2. Add this repository.
Preferences ❯ Package Control ❯ Package Control: Add Repository
Add https://github.com/krikx/Sticky/
  1. Install Sticky.
Preferences ❯ Package Control ❯ Package Control: Install Package
Choose Sticky
  1. Or alternately just clone this repository in the "packages" folder.
Preferences ❯ Browse Packages...
git clone https://github.com/krikx/Sticky