
Experiment to mimic opa playground

Primary LanguageOpen Policy Agent


Experiment to mimic opa playground

Here are the tests I ran

  1. opa eval --input input.json --data test.rego "data.hello" results in {}
  2. opa eval --input input.json --data test.rego "hello" results in rego_unsafe_var_error
  3. opa eval --input input.json --data test.rego "play.hello" results in rego_unsafe_var_error

But if you

  1. Go to playground - https://play.openpolicyagent.org/p/ACpt6leoEx which has same input & rego files,
  2. Select word "hello" on line 21
  3. Click on "Evaluate Selection" in top right corner
  4. You will see valid text in output panel


opa eval --input input.json  --data test.rego  --package "play" "data.play.hello"

Basically this is how we can mimic playground using eval:

opa eval \
  --input <path to input.json file> \
  --data <path to data.json file> \
  --data <path to rego file> \
  --import <import 1 from rego file> \
  --import <import n from rego file> \
  --package <package from rego file> \