
Here You Can Sell/Donate/Purchase(only for knitian's) Your Old Products like coolers,books,chairs etc all are divided category wise like,for books-Branch and Year Wise, .If you sell your product then you must be login if you have not account then create account and You can check your account, for your account detail and how many products you have sold here as well as if you dont want to contact with phone then you can chat below the article....

Primary LanguageHTML


Here You Can Sell/Donate/Purchase your Old books like Gate,Text book all are sorted Year and Branch Wise.If you sell your product then you need to login and You can check your account, for your account detail and how many product you have been sold

Stack Used:

1- Django Framework,Python

Front End-Bootstrap,css,Javascript,jquery




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after login now sell button active and now you can Sell product..

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article detail

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selling product

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about the website

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for purchasing the product check the product detail and contact to given number, or do comment...

Screenshot from 2019-04-26 23-52-54

user account detail

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Screenshot from 2019-04-27 00-01-44
