
Tools to compliment Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher software

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Tools to compliment Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher software. These tools are common design tools and assets for speeding up workflow in applications for Affinity by Serif. The tools are all created in Windows 10 and not tested for Mac or other platforms.


Font Awesome 4.7 Assets for Designer

All of the FontAwesome 4.7 fonts to faster mockups in Affinity Designer. All fonts organized into the original cheatsheet groupings, as well as some custom groupings. See the FontAwesome website for more information, for the font files and instructions for usage in web applications.


Icons are saved as fully black, using the FontAwesome4.7 font at a size of 60 pt. All icons are converted into vector shapes (curves) for the assets, and so do not require the FontAwesome4.7 font to be installed for use in Affinity Designer.