
A web socket library, including both server and client, for Processing

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

PS by avantcontra: If you met some typo or path error, could check this issue Linux problems - no binary

Websockets for Processing

Create websocket servers and clients, which makes it possible to communicate with the outside world including web sites. With this library it is possible to have true two-way real-time connections with other Processing sketches, web sites, Internet of Things devises etc.


This is the initial version of the library, and it is therefore an update in it self :-)


The library can be downloaded here: https://github.com/alexandrainst/processing_websockets/blob/master/webSockets.zip?raw=true


Unzip and put the extracted webSockets folder into the libraries folder of your Processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the webSockets folder.

Examples explained

I have provided two simple examples on using both the client and server part. These can be found in the examples folder. Below I will go through each example, and elaborate their usage.

Websocket client

In the following I provide the full example code of creating a websocket client in Processing. In the below code I draw a new ellipse at a random location (without removing the previous) each time I get a message from the websocket server, and I send a message to the server every 5 seconds ("Client message").

import websockets.*;

WebsocketClient wsc;
int now;
boolean newEllipse;

void setup(){
  //Here I initiate the websocket connection by connecting to "ws://localhost:8025/john", which is the uri of the server.
  //this refers to the Processing sketch it self (you should always write "this").
  wsc= new WebsocketClient(this, "ws://localhost:8025/john");

void draw(){
    //Here I draw a new ellipse if newEllipse is true
    //Every 5 seconds I send a message to the server through the sendMessage method
    wsc.sendMessage("Client message");

//This is an event like onMouseClicked. If you chose to use it, it will be executed whenever the server sends a message 
void webSocketEvent(String msg){

Websocket server

In the following I provide the full example code of creating a websocket server in Processing. In the below code I move an ellipse to a random location when I get a message from a client, and I send a message to ll clients every 5 seconds ("Server message").

import websockets.*;

WebsocketServer ws;
int now;
float x,y;

void setup(){
  //Initiates the websocket server, and listens for incoming connections on ws://localhost:8025/john
  ws= new WebsocketServer(this,8025,"/john");

void draw(){
  //Send message to all clients very 5 seconds
    ws.sendMessage("Server message");

//This is an event like onMouseClicked. If you chose to use it, it will be executed whenever a client sends a message
void webSocketServerEvent(String msg){

Technical development details

The library has been developed on a Mac with El Capitan, I have used the Eclipse Luna IDE, and I have only tested on Processing version 3.0.1.

The library is build with the Jetty websocket implementation, and different Jetty libraries are therefore needed for running this library. All dependencies are included in the downloadable zip file. The source code is available through this Github project (open source under MIT license) as well as included in the zip file below.