
Example repo demonstrating react -> +react-intl -> +riw

Primary LanguageJavaScript

riw example

This project demonstrates how riw integrates with a React app that uses react-intl and babel-plugin-react-intl-auto.

With this example, riw was added globally (yarn global add riw) so riw doesn't appear in package.json. You can add riw as a local dependency if you want.

This example doesn't demonstrate locale selection in UI or dynamic loading of locale data: those are outside the scope of riw.

To run

$ git clone git@github.com:avaragado/riw-example.git
$ cd riw-example
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

Then open localhost:9000 in your browser.


riw-example is derived from https://github.com/thejameskyle/react-loadable-example.