
DaVinci CLI tool - Fastest and secure way to encrypt and decrypt large files.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

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Fastest and secure way to encrypt and decrypt large files.


You can download binary files for each platform from the latest releases.


  • Generate passphrase (stored in a file)
davinci new-passphrase --folder ./path-to-folder

Returns a passphrase in the file passphrase.txt

  • Generate public and private key (stored in a file)
davinci new-keypair --size 2048 --passphrase ./passphrase.txt --folder ./path-to-folder

Returns the public key in the file publicKey.pem and the private key in the file privateKey.pem.

  • Generate Symmetric key (stored in a file)
davinci key --folder ./path-to-folder

Return the symmetric key in the file key.txt.

  • Encrypt a file
davinci encrypt --input ./file.ext --output ./file-decrypted.ext --key ./key.txt --passphrase ./passphrase.txt --public-key ./publicKey.pem

Encrypts the file file.ext using the key key.txt (encrypted using RSA) and stores the result in file-decrypted.ext.

  • Decrypt a file
davinci decrypt --input ./file-decrypted.ext --output ./file.ext --passphrase ./passphrase.txt --private-key ./privateKey.pem

Decrypts the file file-decrypted.ext using the key key.txt (encrypted using RSA) and stores the result in file.ext.

Building (obfuscated version)

go install
bash build.sh

# or

chmod +x build.sh

Algorithm Specification

Key Generation:

  • Generate the public and private key pair, afterwards we call this pubK and privK.
  • Generate the symmetric key, afterwards we call this R.


  • Encrypt symmetric key using the public key. Enc(R, pubK), afterwards we call this R_enc.
  • Encrypt file using the symmetric key. Enc(file, R), afterwards we call this file_enc. The generated file will be in this format: R_enc + \n + file_enc


  • Decrypt symmetric key using the private key. Dec(R_enc, privK)=R
  • Decrypt file using the decrypted symmetric key. Dec(file_enc, R)



  • CLI Framework
    • github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2
    • github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2
    • github.com/urfave/cli/v2
    • github.com/xrash/smetrics
  • Source code
    • strconv
    • encoding/base64
    • crypto/aes
    • crypto/cipher
    • crypto/rand
    • crypto/rsa
    • crypto/sha256
    • crypto/x509
    • encoding/pem
    • fmt
    • io/ioutil
    • os
    • path/filepath