Go Security Assessment Tool (go-sec-assess)

A command-line tool written in Go to perform basic security assessments on websites. This tool fetches and analyzes HTTP security headers and checks the TLS configuration of a given website.


  • TLS Version & Cipher Checker: Determines the TLS version and cipher suite used by the website.
  • Header Checker: Checks for the presence of key security headers.
  • URL Validation: Validates the provided URL to ensure it's well-formed and uses a valid scheme.

Installation & Usage

Using Pre-built Binaries

  1. Download the Binary:

    • Navigate to the releases page of the repository.
    • Look for the latest release and download the appropriate binary for your operating system (e.g., go-sec-assess-linux-amd64 for Linux).
  2. Make the Binary Executable (Linux/macOS):

    chmod +x go-sec-assess-linux-amd64
  3. Run the Tool:

    ./go-sec-assess-linux-amd64 -url=https://example.com

    For Windows, you'd execute the .exe file in the command prompt or PowerShell.

Replace go-sec-assess-linux-amd64 with the name of the downloaded binary and https://example.com with the URL of the website you want to assess.


Information about the TLS configuration of the site (version and cipher suite) and the presence (or absence) of important security headers will be displayed.


Making Code Contributions

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone your fork: git clone https://github.com/indranandjha1993/go-sec-assess.git.
  3. Create a new branch for your features or bug fixes: git checkout -b your-feature-branch.
  4. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -am "Add some feature".
  5. Push your branch: git push origin your-feature-branch.
  6. Open a Pull Request from your forked repository to indranandjha1993/go-sec-assess.

Pushing a New Release (Maintainers)

  1. Merge the desired changes to the main branch.
  2. Update version numbers or relevant documentation if needed.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am "Prepare for vX.X.X release".
  4. Tag the release: git tag vX.X.X.
  5. Push the tag: git push origin vX.X.X.