- 2
can't read from mapped peripheral memory range
#131 opened by Squirre17 - 5
Does avatar2 support Arm64?
#129 opened by Anananwd - 1
Does avatar2 support Unicorn emulator?
#128 opened by zhangpwxwk - 1
avatar2/handbook/ Qemu Properties dict possible types and values details
#127 opened by RazerNinjas - 7
How to implement an Android Emulator target?
#126 opened by 7homasSutter - 0
AvatarPeripheral: pci/pcie devices
#124 opened by hanetzer - 2
Failure to check for qemu failure at startup
#122 opened by GregIthaca - 2
query: per-opcode filters/logging?
#123 opened by hanetzer - 2
- 4
Exception: GDBProtocol was unable to connect
#105 opened by bukeyong - 8
GDBProtocol was unable to connect
#66 opened by sh4m2hwz - 7
- 2
How to deal with interrupt (NVIC)
#116 opened by LittleNewton - 0
- 2
- 0
- 2
Stuck when openocd_target try to wait
#112 opened by LittleNewton - 1
A naive question: what means rcc dump
#111 opened by LittleNewton - 20
- 5
AvatarPeripheral with x86 target
#110 opened by pwissenlit - 4
where is the angr target?
#58 opened by jinjing750629 - 4
Is it possible to dynamically analyse the firmware of a ESP32 just with the default avatar2 tools?
#107 opened by peterrakolcza - 2
- 0
RemoteMemoryRead failed: Failed to read memory!
#104 opened by bukeyong - 6
Unable to modify memory from Peripheral handlers
#103 opened by max-r-b - 2
- 3
can not send interrupt with panda target
#93 opened by Moirai7 - 3
PyPanda: disable -monitor
#101 opened by grant-h - 1
- 0
Qemu cpu_model not propagated
#89 opened by mariusmue - 3
- 7
- 2
Dependency problem pygdbmi
#61 opened by icemonster - 3
Rehosting the Raspbian
#60 opened by yinfangchen - 3
Using already running qemu
#30 opened by phros - 20
- 3
- 2
Issue setting breakpoints
#27 opened by ChrisMcMStone - 6
Failed with keystone errors
#22 opened by dukebarman - 12
some error for python -m avatar2.installer
#24 opened by ZakiG - 2 fails on debian 9
#40 opened by mwenzl - 2
QEMU: Terminated via GDBstub
#53 opened by Hvnt3r - 5
fail to transfer interrupt to qemu
#43 opened by XMUsuny - 1
Can avatar2 not only emulate firmware but also debug firmware? Thank you !
#41 opened by sssyyynnngithub - 2
- 2
- 4
Building avatar-qemu: unused function
#29 opened by phros - 2
Which address do I need?
#26 opened by DerZc - 1
[error] error: can't copy 'src/build/llvm/lib/': doesn't exist or not a regular file
#23 opened by ZakiG - 5
Cannot build avatar-panda
#21 opened by dukebarman