
Usage of Langcahin and OpenAI to do multi stage knowledge extraction with Milvus vector database of flight records from work

Primary LanguagePython


Usage of Langcahin and OpenAI to do multi stage knowledge extraction with Milvus vector database of flight records from work


  • Start Milvus in docker
docker compose up milvus/docker-compose.yml -d
  • rename .env.example to .env and add your OPENAI Key

  • populate the milvus database from a .md file that contains all your notes, each note must be in the following format, separated by at least 3 dashes, example:

#### {date}

#tag1 #tag2



#### {date}

#tag3 #tag4

  • put the file at project root and name it fl.md

  • run inject_data_into_milvus() from dataset_milvus_injector.py

  • Once milvus is populated run main.py