
Continuation of php-form-builder-class (PFBC) development as a fork. Docs (http://smarttechdo.com/~avb/pfbc/)

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Bootstrap Form helper 4.0 (previously PFBC/PHP Form Builder Class)

Documentation :: Discussions :: Issues

Elements Demo :: Source Code

Bootstrap4 Elements Demo :: Source Code

Support Me

This software is developed during my free time and I will be glad if somebody will support me.

Everyone's time should be valuable, so please consider donating.

Donate with paypal

Latest Features:

  1. Bootstrap 3 and 4 support
  2. Added new simple API. Old API is still supported
  3. Added 'shared' element property to share 1 row between multiple elements in SideBySide View
  4. View class renamed to FormView class
  5. Added Form::renderArray() helper function
  6. Fixed prepend and append properties handling
  7. Added icon property to buttons

New API:

Form::open ("login");
echo '<legend>Login</legend>';
Form::Hidden ("id");
Form::Email ("Email Address:", "email", array("required" => 1));
Form::Password ("Password:", "password", array("required" => 1));
Form::Checkbox ("", "remember", array("1" => "Remember me"));
Form::Button ("Login");
Form::Button ("Cancel", "button", array("onclick" => "history.go(-1);"));
Form::close ();