
See how many people are checking out your repositories.

Primary LanguagePython

A short Python script to see how many people are checking out your repositories.

Repo Traffic


  • python3.6 for f-strings
  • requests

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


$ pip3 install requests

Initial Setup

  • Create a GitHub API Personal Access Token if you don't already have one.
    • Needs only the admin:public_repo permission
  • Add the GH_API and GH_USER variables in .env file:
    $ echo "GH_API=<your_access_key_here>" > .env
    $ echo "GH_USER=<your username>" >> .env


  • Set the GH_API environment variable from your shell:

    $ export GH_API=<your_access_key_here>
  • Set the GH_USER environment variable from your shell:

    $ export GH_USER=<your username>

    Note: If GH_USER or GH_API is not found (either in your environment or in .env file or in ghinsights source itself), you will be prompted for them at the console upon running ghinsights.


You have several options for how you'd like to set your credentials:

  • In .env file
  • through environment vars
  • passing them in as args to ghinsights
  • hardcoding them in the python source
  • do none of the above and enter them when prompted

If you've added credentials in .env file OR if you've set the above environment vars:

$ ./ghinsights

or pass them in via the command-line:

$ GH_API=xyourxsecretxapixkeyx GH_USER=avcourt python3 ghinsights

or hardcode them in ghinsights source (NOT RECOMMENDED. Be careful not to expose these to the public!):

GH_USERNAME = ""  # your github username
GH_API_TOKEN = ""  # your github api token <https://github.com/settings/tokens>

or pass them in when prompted:

$ ./ghinsights