
Naive Bayesian spam classifier

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A naive Bayesian spam classifier in Ruby

This implementation is centred around a SpamFilter class which accepts a training directory path in its constructor. It is assumed that the training directory contains two sub-directories: spam and ham. The constructor also expects a string parameter (trigram or word-stem) to determine how to tokenize the messages. trigram uses all three-character consecutive sequences of each string contained in the message. word-stem uses suffix stripped words as tokens. Both the trigram and word-stem tokenization strip all non-alpha-numeric characters from the message before tokenizing. All non-utf-8 characters are also scrubbed.

There were two e-mail corpuses used in my experiments; The SpamAssassin Training Corpus and the Enron Spam Datasets. You may use these datasets to see similar results as shown below. I have included small training and testing directories to illustrate usage.

Note: I’m unsure if the Enron datasets contain links to malicious sites so opening the email files in a browser is not recommended.

The Enron Datasets contain only the body of the messages (no header or footer data were included). I also performed some preprocessing of the SpamAssassin corpus to remove the headers. I treated each SpamAssassin corpus pre-processed and non-pre-processed similarily, providing 3 different circumstances to assess the performance impact of feature-selection outlined in the SpamCop paper.

Analysis of the effectiveness my implementation was assessed by running the 3 datasets, under 3 different conditions: no feature selection, feature selection where combined_frequency > 4, and feature selection where combined_frequency > 10. The following charts display the results


  • s_a_pp _w - pre-processed SpamAssassin Training Corpus(word)
  • s_a_pp _t - pre-processed SpamAssassin Training Corpus(tri)
  • s_a _w - SpamAssassin Training Corpus w/ headers(word)
  • s_a _t - SpamAssassin Training Corpus w/ headers(tri)
  • e_w - Enron Spam Dataset(w)


Word-stemming appeared to provide a overall higher accuracy in all cases over trigram tokenization. However, trigram tokens performed nearly equally as well in the classifying of ham messages. Feature selection of 4 increased the trigram unprocessed SpamAssassin corpus classification by nearly 10% but saw only negligible increases/decreases everywhere else.:


Increasing feauture selection value to 10 only saw improvements in the Enron Dataset:


Overall,this implementation works quite well when tokenizing as suffix stripped words. It has an extremely high correctness when classifying ham emails with both token methods, under all feature selection variants. There may be some loss of precision errors affecting the performance of the trigram classification method, due to the much higher number of unique tokens contained in the messages.

Provided Programs:

all_0.rb, all_4.rb, all_10.rb – runs all datasets with varying feature selection values

freq_table.rb - runs the header removed SpamAssassin corpus as stemmed-words without feature selection and prints the generated frequency table display_message_types.rb – runs the header removed SpamAssassin corpus as stemmed-words without

outline_requirements.rb - Prints first detected spam mesasge and first detected ham messages to the screen with some other information

API Notes

SpamFilter.rb: public methods

SpamFilter.new(training, ‘token_type’) => constructor
SpamFilter.clean(min_freq)  => uses the feature selection outlined in the SpamCop paper, where min is the minimum combined frequency aused in the frequency table.
SpamFilter.print_freqency_table –prints the contents of the frequency table generated by the training data supplied to the constructor.
SpamFilter,print_table_info  Prints information about the frequency table
SpamFilter.prob_msg_spam(filepath)- calculates and returns the probability that the message at filepath is spam .
SpamFilter.prob_msg_ham(filepath)- calculates and returns the probability that the message at filepath is ham.
SpamFilter.classify(filepath) - returns true if message at filepath is classified as spam 
SpamFilter.classify_all(directory, known_type)- classifies all messages in  directory. Uses a flag indicating what type of messages the folder contains to determine what percentage were correctly classified. 
SpamFilter.first_spam()- returns and prints the first spam message found after calling classify() 
SpamFilter.first_ham()- returns and prints the first ham message found after calling classify() 


Using word stemming requires the fast-stemmer gem

Install fast-stemmer gem from command line gem install fast-stemmer

Running the program

all_o.rb, all_4.rb, freq_table.rb, outline_requirements.rb all demonstrate the API calls of the filter contained in spam_filter.rb

Run any of the provided programs ruby <filename>.rb


Andrew Vaillancourt
