
Simple webframework using go

Primary LanguageGo


Simple web View-Controller framework using Golang. At the current moment its in very early development. In future basic model layer will be added, so it'd be possible to import 3rd party orm. This framework mostly inspired by Rails, so method\function names might be same.


In App skeleton you will find file routes.go which is responsible for routes registering. Args that required to register it:

"GET" - Request method

"/" - Request url

"Index" - Action that will respond

"AppController" - Controller name

&controller.AppController - Pointer to controller struct. Any fields can be passed, but only exported type. Can be passed as empty struct aswell

func Register_routes(r *goninja.Router){
  r.AddRoute("GET", "/", "Index", "AppController", &controller.AppController{Name: "Hello"})    //example of registering router


All controllers should be inside folder app/controllers. At the moment there is no difference for naming. Probably will be added in future.

This is example of controller file

package controller

import "github.com/avdept/goninja"

type AppController struct {

func (c AppController) Index() goninja.Response{
  return c.Render()

The controller function should always have goninja.Response as return type.This is needed for type assertion inside router. In future might be improved.

c.Render() returns goninja.Response by itself. Also this function renders html template from app/views/controller_name/action_name.html. controller_name and action_name are taken from routes file.

c.Redirect(absolute_url String) redirects to provided url with method GET and status code 301. In plans to extend, allowing use user defined status codes. Another goal is create absolute urls from relative, hiding all logic into framework's code, and possibly usage of named routes


  1. Add more flexibility to views module. Make it respond with not just html but at least json, xml
  2. Sessions
  3. Create skeleton for application, and possibly command line tool, to generate project.
  4. Move some data to config files.
  5. Add more logging.
  6. Check for orm's and embed some into project, adding model layer