How to build this bundle

This bundle is used for demos purposes. Feel free to use it or get inspired by it to creat your own implmentation. To run these steps, you need:

  • An Entando instance
  • An IDE or any text editor
  • A terminal that supports Unix Shell

Initiate the bundle

Start by creating the parent folder

mkdir code-renderer-bundle-parent && cd code-renderer-bundle-parent

Initialize the project

ent prj init

Fill the project name, and remove the -parent suffix.

Please provide the project name (code-renderer-bundle-parent): code-renderer-bundle

Create the bundle folder

mkdir bundle && cd bundle

Add the main descriptor

Start by creating the main descriptor.

touch descriptor.yaml

In it add the following (command baseDescriptor in IntelliJ)

code: code-renderer
description: Code renderer bundle

Create the prismjs Fragment

mkdir fragments && cd fragments
touch prismjs_cdn_inclusions-descriptor.yaml
vi prismjs_cdn_inclusions-descriptor.yaml

Add the prismjs imports descriptor (command prismFragment in Intellij)

code: prismjs_cdn_inclusions
guiCode: '
<#assign wp=JspTaglibs["/aps-core"]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-tN7Ec6zAFaVSG3TpNAKtk4DOHNpSwKHxxrsiw4GHKESGPs5njn/0sMCUMl2svV4wo4BK/rCP7juYz+zx+l6oeQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<script src="" integrity="sha512-YBk7HhgDZvBxmtOfUdvX0z8IH2d10Hp3aEygaMNhtF8fSOvBZ16D/1bXZTJV6ndk/L/DlXxYStP8jrF77v2MIg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-zc7WDnCM3aom2EziyDIRAtQg1mVXLdILE09Bo+aE1xk0AM2c2cVLfSW9NrxE5tKTX44WBY0Z2HClZ05ur9vB6A==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

Add the fragments section in the main descriptor fragments (command baseDescriptorFragments in Intellij):

    - fragments/prismjs_cdn_inclusions-descriptor.yaml

Create the PageModel

From the bundle folder

mkdir pageModels && cd pageModels

Create the descriptor

touch content_page_with_code-descriptor.yaml

Add the descriptor Content (pageModel live template in Intellij)

code: content_page_with_code
description: Content page with code
templatePath: content-page-with-code.ftl
    - pos: 0
      description: Logo
      mainFrame: false
        code: logo
        x1: 0
        y1: 0
        x2: 2
        y2: 0
    - pos: 1
      description: Navigation bar
      mainFrame: false
        code: navigation-menu
        x1: 3
        y1: 0
        x2: 5
        y2: 0
    - pos: 2
      description: Search
      mainFrame: false
        code: search_form
        x1: 6
        y1: 0
        x2: 8
        y2: 0
    - pos: 3
      description: Login
      mainFrame: false
        code: keycloak-login
        x1: 9
        y1: 0
        x2: 11
        y2: 0
    - pos: 4
      description: Content Frame
      mainFrame: true
        code: content_viewer
          modelId: '10002'
        x1: 0
        y1: 1
        x2: 11
        y2: 1
    - pos: 5
      description: Frame 2
      mainFrame: false
        x1: 0
        y1: 2
        x2: 11
        y2: 2
    - pos: 6
      description: Frame 3
      mainFrame: false
        x1: 0
        y1: 3
        x2: 11
        y2: 3
    - pos: 7
      description: Frame 4
      mainFrame: false
        x1: 0
        y1: 4
        x2: 11
        y2: 4
    - pos: 8
      description: Footer
      mainFrame: false
        x1: 0
        y1: 5
        x2: 11
        y2: 5

Create the Freemarker template

touch content-page-with-code.ftl

Add the ftl content (pageModelFtl in intellij)

<#assign wp=JspTaglibs["/aps-core"]>
< key="systemParam" paramName="applicationBaseURL" var="appUrl" />

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
            <@wp.currentPage param="title" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,  user-scalable=no" />
        <link rel="icon" href="${appUrl}favicon.png" type="image/png" />
        <!-- Custom OOTB page template styles -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<@wp.resourceURL />static/css/ootb/page-templates/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <!-- Carbon Design System -->
        <@wp.fragment code="entando_ootb_carbon_include" escapeXml=false />
        <@wp.fragment code="keycloak_auth" escapeXml=false />

        <@wp.outputHeadInfo type="CSS">
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<@wp.cssURL /><@wp.printHeadInfo />" />

        <@wp.fragment code="prismjs_cdn_inclusions" escapeXml=false />
          <header-fragment app-url="${appUrl}">
                < frame=0 />
                < frame=1 />
                < frame=2 />
                < frame=3 />
          <div class="bx--grid Homepage__body">
            <div class="bx--row">< frame=4 /></div>
            <div class="bx--row">< frame=5 /></div>
            <div class="bx--row">< frame=6 /></div>
            <div class="bx--row">< frame=7 /></div>
          <div class="Homepage__footer">< frame=8 /></div>

Declare the pageModel in the main descriptor (baseDescriptorPageModels in intellij)

    - pageModels/content_page_with_code-descriptor.yaml

Create the content

From the bundle folder

mkdir contents && cd contents

Create the news descriptor

touch nws001-descriptor.yaml

Add the news content without body (nws-desc in intellij)

id: NWS001
typeCode: NWS
description: "JHipster: What's Under the Hood?"
mainGroup: free
status: PUBLIC
  - code: date
    value: '2020-04-23 00:00:00'
  - code: title
    value: null
      en: "JHipster: What's Under the Hood?"
    elements: []
    compositeelements: []
    listelements: {}
  - code: abstract
    value: null
      en: |
        <p>JHipster 7 has been released! This is a BIG major version update. Here are our favorite features.</p>
    elements: []
    compositeelements: []
    listelements: {}
  - code: body
    value: null
    elements: []
    compositeelements: []
    listelements: {}
  - code: image
    value: null
        correlationCode: '1'
        name: jhi_logo.png
    elements: []
    compositeelements: []
    listelements: {}

add the body value under the body > values > en attribute (nws-desc-body in intellij)

        <p>Hi, my fellow hipsters!</p>
        <p>I know you&rsquo;ve been waiting for this announcement for a long time. JHipster 7 has been released! This is a BIG major version so I can&rsquo;t promise to cover every detail in the release, but I&rsquo;d like to share my favorite features with you.</p>
        <p>Let&rsquo;s go for a quick overview.</p>
        <h3>A few numbers to start</h3>
        <p>22 months have passed since the last major release has been made <br />25 intermediate releases, one release every 3.5 weeks <br />3833 commits have been merged <br />2371 tickets/PR have been closed <br />8.2k GitHub stars and 613 contributors <br />The v7 release is for sure the biggest release made by the community.</p>
        <h3>A piece of code</h3>
        <pre><code class="language-javascript">
          _install() {
              return {
                  installing() {
                      if (this.skipClient) {
                          if (!this.options['skip-install']) {
                              if (this.clientPackageManager === 'yarn') {
                                  this.log(chalk.bold(`\nInstalling generator-jhipster@${this.jhipsterVersion} locally using yarn`));
                              } else if (this.clientPackageManager === 'npm') {
                                  this.log(chalk.bold(`\nInstalling generator-jhipster@${this.jhipsterVersion} locally using npm`));
        <h3>JHipster Control Center</h3>
        <p>JHipster Control Center (JHCC) is a Vue application that allows you to control and monitor all your JHipster applications from one place. It works with static discovery (by using static IP addresses) or with Eureka and Consul for service discovery. Kubernetes support is present but not fully available at this moment.</p>
        <p>JHipster Control Center has all of the pages you used to have in your generated application such as metrics, configurations, and even Swagger-UI.</p>
        <p>You can also decide to enable log tracking to read all of your logs from the JHipster Control Center (you will need to enable it in your application for security reasons).</p>
        <p>JHipster Control Center is the recommended way to monitor your applications when you have multiple monoliths or microservices so you can monitor everything from one place. The admin-UI is best when you want to monitor everything from within the same app.&nbsp;</p>
        <p>A JHipster application automatically embeds a JHipster Control Center docker-compose file to allow you to start quickly by using this command (you will need docker installed on your computer):</p>

Declare the content in the main descriptor (baseDescriptorContents in intellij)

    - contents/nws001-descriptor.yaml

Create the page

From the bundle folder

mkdir pages && cd pages

Create the pages descriptor

touch blog_details-descriptor.yaml

Add the page content (page in intellij)

code: blog_details
parentCode: homepage
  en: Blog details
  it: Blog details
pageModel: content_page_with_code
ownerGroup: free
joinGroups: []
displayedInMenu: true
seo: false
charset: utf-8
status: published
  - code: logo
    config: null
    pos: 0
  - code: navigation-menu
    config: null
    pos: 1
  - code: search_form
    config: null
    pos: 2
  - code: keycloak-login
    config: null
    pos: 3
  - code: content_viewer
      contentId: 'NWS001'
      modelId: 10002
    pos: 4
  - code: navigation-menu
    config: null
    pos: 8

Declare the page in the main descriptor (baseDescriptorPages in intellij)

    - pages/blog_details-descriptor.yaml

Publish the bundle

Configure the publication system

From the parent folder code-renderer-bundle-parent run the following command to publish the bundle to the Git repository

ent prj pbs-init

Then answer the question by providing the HTTPS Git repository link, your name and your email. For the others, leave the default values.

Please provide the URL of the publication repository:
Please provide the git user name: avdev4j
Please provide the git email: ***
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/code-renderer-bundle-parent/bundle/.git/
Should I enable the credentials cache for the publication of the frontend? (y/n/q) y
Expiration in seconds? (86400):

Publish on GitHub

Run the command

ent prj pbs-publish

Provide a number version (add the 'v' prefix to follow the Git tag pattern)

➤ [I] | 2021-09-10 17-24-55 | Publishing the frontend to git
Please provide the bundle version number: v0.0.1
Please provide the bundle version comment (v0.0.1  - 2021-09-10T15:25:06+0000): the first version
[master 71a299a] the first version
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 descriptor.yml
 create mode 100644 fragments/prismjs_cdn_inclusions-descriptor.yaml
➤ [I] | 2021-09-10 17-25-14 | Version v0.0.1 published

Deploy and Install the bundle

ent prj deploy
ent prj install --conflict-strategy=OVERRIDE