
RESTful API that converts PDF files into PNG images

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RESTful API that converts PDF files into PNG images


This required imagemagick, ghostscript, and poppler installed in your system to run properly

Install Instructions

  • git clone https://github.com/aveliz1999/pdf-to-images
  • cd pdf-to-images
  • npm install


Start the server with npm start

The API is exposed in port 3000 (or whatever PORT variable is specified in the environment).

A POST request to / with a pdf file with field name pdf will return a JSON object with the schema

    requestId: The request ID,
    pages: The number of pages

To retrieve the images, use a GET request to /requestId/index where requestID is the returned request ID from the POST request, and index is the index of the image (starting at 0).


The cleanup task is run periodically to clean up files.

By default the cleanup runs once every hour, and cleans up files that are at least 1 hour old.

To change this, you can specify the following environment variables:

CLEANUP_CRON: A cron string to specify when the cleanup task is run

TTL: The cutoff age (in milliseconds) for files to be deleted