Implement eureka service discovery and use spring cloud load balancer.
We will have one eureka server (In production it is better to have multiple eureka server to have high availability), and two eureka service. The first service will call the second service using our eureka server registry and spring cloud load balancing. The second service will just have an endpoint returning a UUID that we will use to recognize which service we are calling when we load balance. We will launch two of the service returning a UUID on different port to observe the load balancing effect.
Add the @EnableEurekaServer
public class EurekaServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
We use only one eureka server, so we specify to not try to register with other server.
We add the @EnableEurekaClient
annotation to make the application register to the eureka server registry and we create a simple endpoint that return a UUID.
public class EurekaService2Application {
private final String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route() {
return RouterFunctions.route()
.GET("/id", serverRequest -> ServerResponse.ok()
Mono.just(id), String.class
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
We specify the name of the application in the properties file, it will be used by other service to discover the location of this service using the eureka server registry.
We add the @EnableEurekaClient
annotation to make the application register to the eureka server registry but also later to retrieve all available instance of the service returning a UUID.
public class EurekaService1Application
To load balance request across available instance we use the annotation @LoadBalanced
on the WebClient.Builder
WebClient.Builder builder() {
return WebClient.builder();
WebClient webClient(WebClient.Builder builder) {
By default, netflix ribbon load balancer will be used but if we want the spring cloud load balancer that use reactor we need to specify it in the properties with
We create a simple route to test that we communicate with the eureka server registry and load balance across available instance.
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(WebClient webClient) {
return RouterFunctions.route()
.GET("/data", serverRequest -> ServerResponse.ok()
.map(id -> "Current id is " + id)
, String.class
- Start the eureka server application
- Start two instance on different port of the service returning a UUID
- Start the service that talk with the service returning the UUID
- Go to the endpoint
Every time we refresh we should see a different ID being displayed, it means we retrieve correctly from the eureka server registry the location of all available service returning a UUID, and we load balance correctly across them.