
Spring Webflux / WebFluxTest / Test Web Layer. Base project sample to use WebFluxTest

Primary LanguageJava

Spring WebFluxTest


Test web layer of a super simple sample application with WebFluxTest.


Step 1 : Create the web endpoint

In this sample application there is only one endpoint returning some information about a user. We handle two case :

  • We find the user : ServerResponse.ok()
  • We didn't find the user : ServerReponse.notFound()
class UserAccountWebConfiguration {

    private Mono<ServerResponse> findUserInfo(ServerRequest serverRequest, UserAccountFacade userAccountFacade) {

        return userAccountFacade.findUserInfo(serverRequest.pathVariable("userId"))
                .flatMap(userInfoDto -> ServerResponse.ok()
                        .body(Mono.just(userInfoDto), UserInfoDto.class))

    RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(UserAccountFacade userAccountFacade) {
        return RouterFunctions.route()
                .GET("/info/{userId}", serverRequest -> findUserInfo(serverRequest, userAccountFacade))

Step 2 : Create a facade

The project goal is to show how to use WebFluxTest, so we just create a fake facade that return hard coded data. (On a real application we could have a database and use a spring Repository)

public class UserAccountFacade {

    public Mono<UserInfoDto> findUserInfo(String userId) {
        return Mono.just(new UserInfoDto("hardCodedName", "hardCodedCity"));

Step 3 : Create a basic DTO

public class UserInfoDto {
    private String name;
    private String city;

Step 4 : Create test cases

  • Annotate the test class with @WebFluxTest
  • Import our web configuration class
  • Autowire the WebTestClient, needed to make request
  • MockBean our Facade, needed to test our web layer as a black box, we want to choose what the facade return to test all case
class UserAccountWebConfigurationTest {

    private WebTestClient webTestClient;

    private UserAccountFacade userAccountFacade;

We create a first test case to check the case where we correctly find the user. So we use Mockito to set what the method findUserInforeturn, on this test it return some fake user info.

We then make the request and specify what we expect :

  1. There is a GET endpoint at /info/{userId}
  2. The server respond with status code isOk()
  3. The server respond with header APPLICATION_JSON
  4. The body can be mapped to a UserInfoDto object
  5. The UserInfoDto returned is what we expect

At the end on this test we also check that the method findUserInfo is called once.

    void should_find_user_info() {
        String userId = "randomUserId";

        UserInfoDto expectedUserInfoDto = new UserInfoDto("Anthony", "Paris");


        webTestClient.get().uri("/info/" + userId)
                .value(userInfoDto -> assertEquals(expectedUserInfoDto, userInfoDto));

        verify(userAccountFacade, times(1)).findUserInfo(userId);

In our next test case we will check for the case where we didn't find the user, so as before we set what findUserInfo return and make the request but this time we expect the server will respond with status code isNotFound().

    void should_not_find_user_info() {
        String userId = "randomUserId";


        webTestClient.get().uri("/info/" + userId)

        verify(userAccountFacade, times(1)).findUserInfo(userId);