
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Run eslint and make sure there are no errors that need to be fixed: npm run lint

Test that the server can be started manually: node src/server.js

Try running curl http://localhost:8080 in another terminal to see JSON health check response.

Pretty-print the JSON curl -s localhost:8080 | jq

Confirm that your server is sending the right HTTP headers. Look for the Cache-Control and Access-Control-Allow-Origin curl -i localhost:8080 You can also see the result in Dev Tools and Network tab in browser.

Try starting your server using all three methods, and use CTRL + c to stop each:

npm start npm run dev npm run debug

Try running your test: npm test npm run test:watch

You can run a single test file by passing its name: npm test fileName.js npm run test:watch fileName.js

Run coverage script which collects coverage information: which files and lines of code were run: npm run coverage

Update OS packages in ec2 instance: sudo yum update

Install editor in ec2 instance: sudo yun install programName -y

Switch different node version in ec2 instance: nvm use --lts nvm use 16

Copy file between local computer and remote computer: scp file.txt remote-computer.com:file.txt

Connect to web server using SSH ssh -i ~/.ssh/ccp555-key-pair.pem ec2-user@public IPv4 DNS

AWS CLI Terminal

  • Start the instance aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {instance-id}

  • Stop the instance aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids {instance-id}

fragment metadata vs fragment data

  • fragment or fragment metadata refer to the metadata, which is JSON
  • fragment data refers to the fragment's raw, binary data, which is a Buffer

In our design, a fragment will be split across AWS S3 (data) and Amazon DynamoDB (metadata).

  • S3:
    • Our fragments data is between 0 and 5Mb in size, and can be any type from text to JSON to binary images.
  • DynamoDB:
    • Each fragment will be an item in our table.
    • Since an owner might have many fragments (i.e., ids), we'll use the ownerId as our partition key, and the fragment id as our sort key.
    • The other fragment values created, updated, type, size will be attributes on each fragment item.