
Modal AJAX form to create, update and delete Django objects with ease

Primary LanguagePython

Live example - see the source code of demonstration in demo repository folder.

Django FM

Requires jQuery and Bootstrap 3 on client side. Depends on django-crispy-forms on server side.

This app allows to make responsive AJAX modal forms for creating, editing, deleting objects in Django. This is a very personalized approach to quickly build admin-like interfaces. It reduces an amount of time and code when making tedious Django work.


pip install django-fm

Add crispy_forms and fm to INSTALLED_APPS:


Also in settings.py set crispy template pack to bootstrap3:


Include modal template into your project template and initialize jQuery plugin:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
        {% block content %}{% endblock %}
        {% include "fm/modal.html" %}
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function() {
                $.fm({debug: true});

There are 3 class-based views in django-fm to inherit from when you want AJAX forms:

  • AjaxCreateView
  • AjaxUpdateView
  • AjaxDeleteView

You create urls for them as usual, in templates you just create links to create, update, delete resources with special class (fm-create, fm-update, fm-delete).

Get started

So let's create a view to create new instance of some model. In views.py:

from fm.views import AjaxCreateView
from feedback.forms import FeedbackForm

class FeedbackCreateView(AjaxCreateView):
    form_class = FeedbackForm

You are just inherit from AjaxCreateView and provide form_class argument - you do this every day in Django when inherit from django.views.generic.CreateView, right?

Also you should create url for this resource in urls.py:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from feedback.views import FeedbackCreateView

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^create/$', FeedbackCreateView.as_view(), name="feedback_create"),

Again - nothing new here.

The most interesting part in template - you don't have to define template for your form - just write a link to create new object with special attributes which tell django-fm how to behave.

So in your template write:

<a href="{% url 'feedback_create' %}" class="fm-create" data-fm-head="Create" data-fm-callback="reload">Create new</a>

Look at fm-create special class - it's necessary. And that's all - now when user clicks on this link - modal AJAX window with form will be shown.

Every link can have some attributes which define modal window behaviour and callback after successfull object creation, update or deletion:

  • data-fm-head - header of modal
  • data-fm-callback - what to do after successfull modal submission - at moment the following values allowed: reload, redirect, replace, remove, prepend, append, redirect_from_response
  • data-fm-target - value of action specific for each action type - for example this must be an URL when data-fm-callback is redirect

Let's take a closer look at all these available actions:

  • when data-fm-callback omitted - nothing happens - modal window just closes after successfull submission
  • reload - page will be reloaded
  • redirect - page will be redirected to URL from data-fm-target
  • replace - content from element defined via jQuery selector in data-fm-target will be replaced with message from incoming JSON from server
  • remove - element defined via jQuery selector in data-fm-targer will be removed from DOM
  • prepend - message from JSON coming from server will be prepended to element defined in data-fm-target
  • append - message from JSON coming from server will be appended to element defined in data-fm-target
  • redirect_from_response - the current window will be redirected to the message from JSON coming from server. Your view must override the get_response_message method to return the URL to redirect to.
  • also there is a possibility to set custom callback how to react after successfull submission.

See demo project to see this concept in action.

Some other things to be aware of

  • note that file upload via AJAX will work in modern browsers only - see this table.
  • when modal with form ready - an event fm.ready will be triggered on body element (by default). This can help to add some javascript widgets into form.
  • you can extend AjaxCreateView, AjaxUpdateView and AjaxDeleteView using standard Django techniques. For example, you can add permission checking using PermissionMixin from django-braces project