
A php testing tool that mock anything by rewriting code instead of using any extensions like runkit.

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A php test tool that mock anything without using any extensions.

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composer require mazer/rewrite-dagger


RewriteDagger can mock anything that test target dependened. No matter those function and class is from PHP buildin, third party or your project. By rewriting the test target code before including and evaluating it, RewriteDagger can replace any words and content present in the test target without any extension.


Quick start

There is a PHP function that needs to be tested as follows

  • header set
  • output json
  • exit

    function apiErrorResponse(string $errorMsg): void
        header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
            'data' => [
                'error' => true,
                'message' => $errorMsg

This function is difficult to test because it has a built-in PHP function (header) that is difficult to sense input and a PHP language construct (exit) that terminates the script execution.

To solve this problem, we test it by PHPUnit and RewriteDagger.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    use RewriteDagger\DaggerFactory;

    // Mock class that can sense and save function result
    class Mock
        static $exitHasCalled = false;
        static $header = '';

        static public function exit(): void
            self::$exitHasCalled = true;

        static public function header(string $header): void
            self::$header = $header;

    final class ApiErrorResponseTest extends TestCase
        public function testApiErrorResponse(): void
            $dagger = (new DaggerFactory())->getDagger();
            // add rewrite rule
            $dagger->addReplaceRule('exit', 'Mock::exit');
            $dagger->addReplaceRule('header', 'Mock::header');
            // include apiErrorResponse function
            $dagger->includeCode(__DIR__ . '/apiErrorResponse.php');

            // call test function
            apiErrorResponse('test error message');
            $output = ob_get_clean();

            // assert expect and actual value
            $this->assertSame('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8', Mock::$header);
            $this->assertSame('{"data":{"error":true,"message":"test error message"}}', $output);
$ vendor/bin/phpunit ApiErrorResponseTest.php
PHPUnit 9.4.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Api Error Response
 ✔ Api error response

Time: 00:00.015, Memory: 6.00 MB

OK (1 test, 3 assertions)

With RewriteDagger, we can easily replace header and exit with other class that can sense input and will not terminate script execution.

How it works

As Features say, RewriteDagger rewrite the test target code before include and evaluate it.

To achieve this function, it has three core parts:

  • Dagger: rewrite test target code
  • CodeRepository: include and evaluate test target code
  • DaggerFactory: create Dagger

Dagger mainly focuses on various rewriting rule itself, and uses the CodeRepository injected by DaggerFactory to operate, include and evaluate the code.

RewriteDagger (Drawing by skanaar/nomnoml)

Next, we explain the usage of these three components separately.


__construct(CodeRepositoryInterface $codeRepository)

Dagger dependents on any implementation of CodeRepositoryInterface to help it evaluate the rewritten code.

includeCode(String $path): void

Include, rewrite, evaluate code file corresponding to $path.

Dagger can have multiple rewriting rules. When includeCode is called, Dagger executes all these rules on the code before evaluating it.

addDeleteRule(String $from): void

$dagger->addDeleteRule('is a number.');
before after
42 is a number. 42

testAddRegexDeleteRule(String $from): void

before after
42 is a number. is a number.

addReplaceRule(String $from, String $to): void

$dagger->addReplaceRule('is a number', ': Answer to the Ultimate Question of Everything');
before after
42 is a number. 42 : Answer to the Ultimate Question of Everything.

addRegexReplaceRule(String $from, String $to): void

$dagger->addRegexReplaceRule('/\d+/', 'Number');
before after
42 is a number. Number is a number.

addInsertBeforeRule(String $from, String $to): void

$dagger->addInsertBeforeRule('number', 'answer and ');
before after
42 is a number. 42 is a answer and number.

addRegexInsertBeforeRule(String $from, String $to): void

$dagger->addRegexInsertBeforeRule('/\d+/', '(Number) ');
before after
42 is a number. (Number) 42 is a number.

addInsertAfterRule(String $from, String $to): void

$dagger->addInsertAfterRule('number', ' and answer');
before after
42 is a number. 42 is a number and answer.

addRegexInsertAfterRule(String $from, String $to): void

$dagger->addRegexInsertAfterRule('/\d+/', ' (Number)');
before after
42 is a number. 42 (Number) is a number.

addRegexReplaceCallbackRule(String $from, callable $callback): void

$dagger->addRegexReplaceCallbackRule('/^(\d+).*(number)\.$/', function ($match) {
    return "[{$match[1]}] is a ({$match[2]}).";
before after
42 is a number. [42] is a (number).

testRemoveAllRules(): void

Remove all rules set before.


All codeRepository is the implementation of CodeRepositoryInterface which provide

  • getCodeContent(string $path): string: get code content that corresponds to $path.
  • includeCode(string $codeContent): void: evaluate $codeContent.

In PHP, there are two ways to evaluate a string as code. One is to write the string as a real file then include() or require() it, the other is to use eval() function. RewriteDagger implements them in FileCodeRepository and EvalCodeRepository respectively.

RewriteDagger (Drawing by skanaar/nomnoml)


__construct(string $tempPath = null)

FileCodeRepository writes a string to a temporary file in $tempPath with a unique name, then includes and evaluates it. If $tempPath is null, FileCodeRepository automatically generated it by sys_get_temp_dir().

  • IncludeFileCodeRepository: use include() includes and evaluates the file.
  • RequireFileCodeRepository: use require() includes and evaluates the file.



EvalCodeRepository is much simpler than FileCodeRepository, it eval() the input string directly.


Generally, unless you want to use a custom CodeRepository in Dagger, Dagger and CodeRepository are usually created by DaggerFactory instead of manually.

getDagger(array $config = []): Dagger

    // default is use IncludeFileCodeRepository
    $dagger = (new DaggerFactory())->getDagger();

    // explicit use IncludeFileCodeRepository
    $dagger = (new DaggerFactory())->getDagger([
        'codeRepositoryType' => 'include',
        'tempPath' => 'your/temp/path/'
config key description
codeRepositoryType enum {include, require, eval}
tempPath temp path for FileCodeRepository

initDagger(Dagger $dagger): Dagger

initDagger is a protected function that allows you to customize DaggerFactory, which can operate on Dagger before return it (mainly adding default rules).

    class CustomDaggerFactory extends DaggerFactory
        protected function initDagger(Dagger $dagger): Dagger
            return $dagger;

    // all dagger create by CustomDaggerFactory has a delete exit() rule by default
    $dagger = (new CustomDaggerFactory())->getDagger();


All the commands for testing are defined in composer.json.

The only thing you need to notice is that phpunit varsion in composer.lock is 9, which don't support php 7.2. But RewriteDagger does support php 7.2, so if you are using php 7.2, make sure to run compoesr update to change phpunit varsion to 8 before testing.

    // ...
    "scripts": {
        "test": "phpunit",
        "testWithCoverage": "phpunit --coverage-text --whitelist src/ --colors",
        "codingStyleCheck": "php-cs-fixer fix ./ --dry-run --diff"
    // ...

test without coverage

composer test

test with coverage

composer testWithCoverage

check coding style

composer codingStyleCheck


The two biggest disadvantages of using RewriteDagger are reduced test coverage and readability.

  • test coverage: Since the rewritten code does not belong to the original code in the project, for most test coverage tools, the original code in the project is not actually executed.
  • readability: People who read the test program must understand all of the tested target to understand the side effects of each rewriting rule.


RewriteDagger is inspired by the book 《Working Effectively with Legacy Code》 ( ISBN 13: 978-0131177055). Hope to provide Link Seams in PHP to make legacy PHP code easier to test.

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MIT License