
Create representation of objects

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


RepresentationKit permits objects to represent themselves through key-values to arbitrary representations. Thus objects become Representable. As getters and setters are evil RepresentationKit avoids being interrogated/queried by a "dumper" object. Instead a Representation that can be passed to an object that will describe/represent itself upon it. Representations trust objects to not lie about what information will they expose and thus respect them.

Influenced by Printers instead of getters.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Code Example

struct Book {
    let name: String
    let edition: String

extension Book: Representable {

    func represent(using representation: Representation) -> Representation {
        return representation
            .with(key: "name", value: self.name)
            .with(key: "edition", value: self.edition)

extension Book: CustomStringConvertible {

    var description: String {
        return "Book(\(self.name),\(self.edition))"

// some books
let books = (0..<2).map { Book(name: "Book \($0)", edition: "Edition \($0)") }
print("Books = \(books)")
// Prints "Books = [Book(Book 0,Edition 0), Book(Book 1,Edition 1)]"

let arrayRep = ArrayRepresentationBuilder()
let dictRep = DictionaryRepresentationBuilder()

// represent a book as an array
let arrayResult: ArrayRepresentationBuilder = books[0].represent(using: arrayRep)
// Prints ["Book 0", "Edition 0"]

// represent a book as dictionary
let dictResuslt: DictionaryRepresentation = books[0].represent(using: dictRep)
// Prints ["name": "Book 0", "edition": "Edition 0"]

// represent an array of books
let dictionaryRepresentationOfAnArray: DictionaryRepresentation = books.represent(using: dictRep)
// Prints ["0": Book(Book 0,Edition 0), "1": Book(Book 1,Edition 1)]

// let's get crazy
let deepRep = DeepArrayRepresentationBuilder(representation: JSONRepresentationBuilder())
let deepRepRes: DeepArrayRepresentationBuilder = books.represent(using: deepRep)
print(deepRepRes.array.map { $0.dictionary })
// Prints [["name": "Book 0", "edition": "Edition 0"], ["name": "Book 1", "edition": "Edition 1"]]


RepresentationKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RepresentationKit"


Georges Boumis, developer.george.boumis@gmail.com


RepresentationKit is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.